RESOLVED: Deepstack, Unable to Connect and/or Path not found


Getting the hang of it
Aug 24, 2015
Well, I've spent about 16 hours trying to get deepstack to run. I had it working three days ago and then I lost contact with the Deepstack server.

I uninstalled and closed all of the Deepstack programs that I could find in Taskmanager. I deleted the deepstach folders, and attempted to use the "Program Uninstall" for deepstack. It didn't work.

Rebooted numerous times

I tried running it with the Firewall off and no connection.

I added Deepstack rule for in bound and out bound programs

I tried this cmd script:

deepstack --VISION-DETECTION True --PORT 82

I re downloaded the CPU version 2022.01.exe and installed that. The install competed without error.

When I click on "open AI dashboard" I was getting a "unable to locate error"

I continued to trouble shoot and now I'm getting a Path Not Found error

I've opened up Port 82 in the firewall

I check and added the second exe file to the C;\deepstack\server folder, see attachment

I have been unable to authenticate the Deepstack server. I do get the Nothing Found in the alert clips.

I'm going nuts on this. I read and re-read all of the Deepstack posts that pertain to these issues.

I tried to find the 2020 or 2021 version of Deepstack, but even though I searched high and low I was unable to find it.

I appreciate help looking over this post, if you need any other info please advise.

Thank You!

Also, I tried to download the Code Project exe file, and installed it. The AI tab in BI 5 ( is still populated with the current Deepstack information. I don't know how to completely delete the old deepstack info that shows up on the AI page.

A forum member sent me a pm with his settings. I noticed that under the AI tab, I had C:\deepstack\server. and his showed C:\Deepstack.

I changed mine to mirror his, and it's now connecting!

Thank you Wittaj!