Rewiring damaged rj45 jack of dahua ptz SD22404T-GN

Jul 29, 2019
I need to replace the rj45 jack of my dahua ptz camera but I am having difficulty with the pin outs. The camera seems to have only 6 wires and a standard rj45 has 8 pin connections. Also the wire colours do not match. Any help would be most appreciated.
Have a look at @bp2008 's pinout here.

It's likely that 1 wire (yellow?) goes to both pins 4 & 5 (POE positive) and 1 wire (gray?) goes to pins 7 & 8 (POE negative) so that's why there's only 6 wires in the pigtail for an 8 wire RJ-45 connector.

That being said, the last line in his post is VERY important and informative:

"The only way to be 100% sure without just trying it would be to cut the end off with a little extra cable so you can use a multi-meter to perform continuity tests between the wires and the pins."
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