RTSP and Encryption Key


Mar 24, 2017
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As most of you probably know you can access a camera or recorders stream via RTSP.

However if the user has encryption enabled, when i access this stream via VLC or another third party source the stream is loaded, but it is unviewable because of the encryption key.

Without turning off encryption, does anybody know the API call or where to add in the secret encryption key?

I have tried a couple things like rtsp://user:apwd@IP:554/Streaming/channels/101?encryptionKey=ABC246 with no luck.

I tried digging through the WEB SDK where I find these two js functions.

    getEncryptString: function(e) {
            var n = "";
            return t && (n = t.HWP_GetEncryptString(e)), n
        getDecryptString: function(e, n, a) {
            var i = "";
            return t && a && (i = t.HWP_GetDecryptString(e, n, a)), i
I wasn't able to track it any further than that though.

It would be nice to have the option to leave encryption on while still being able to access the RTSP stream from a third party software such as ffmpeg, vlc, etc.