Rtx4060 GPU codeproject AI ALPR


Feb 6, 2023
cm7 9fj
Hi I have code project AI working with blueiris to capture number plates. I have yolo 6 working with my GPU and want to use the ALPR model with my GPU as well. I can change the ALPR to use GPU and it restarts without any errors with the GPU but it never recognises anything, where when set to CPU it does.
Hi I have code project AI working with blueiris to capture number plates. I have yolo 6 working with my GPU and want to use the ALPR model with my GPU as well. I can change the ALPR to use GPU and it restarts without any errors with the GPU but it never recognises anything, where when set to CPU it does.
Post a screenshot of your System Info like the below

Do you have a relatively slow download speed by any chance, I have one BI server location where I was getting download timeouts during the install and some modules did not download in time and caused the install to fail!
I managed to fix with Claude AI help
# Stop BITS service
net stop bits

# Delete BITS queue
Remove-Item "$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr*.dat"

# Start BITS service
net start bits

# Reset BITS service
Ok now Im testing with the correct cuda version and I get an error with the LPR using GPU
ALPR_adapter.py: Could not locate cublasLt64_11.dll. Please make sure it is in your library path!

But the YOLO works ok with GPU still.