same video on 2 different cameras from outside LAN


Apr 17, 2017
I'm wandering if anyone ever had same problem.
I got 2 IP cameras bought at different time and source, but with same interface (cheap China cameras) ISpy classified them as HIPCAM. Cameras are accessed thru WEB GUI, everything is fine from LAN, (cameras have static IP, different http ports, and recently I have also changed rtsp ports forwarded to each camera) from WAN I can connect to each camera settings page correctly, but video stream on both connections is the same. At this moment I suspect it might be a problem with ASUS router forwarding ports, since VLC is giving me correct stream from each camera, and if I reboot router the first connection to either camera is also giving right video, but from this moment this video will be streamed for both cameras on different ports.
Any ideas what may cause this kind of behavior?
Thank you for reply, but if forwarding settings are the problem how come vlc is giving correct stream from both cameras, and how come accessing settings for each camera are forwarded correctly? And also rebooting router allow to connect to either camera correctly first time, just to access video from second I will have to restart router again and connect to it first . Maybe one day just for testing I will replace my current Asus router with my backup Buffalo with dd-wrt and see how it will work then.