Samsung snv5084


Jul 9, 2024
Reaction score
Hi All,
I dont know much about the hardware but I have this problem which I hope someone may be able to help with.
The camera was working ok until 2 days ago, the micro sd card appeared to have some strange files on it so I assumed it was corrupted and reformatted it on PC with FAT32 as original (because the cam is not showing/discoverable on the Hanwha device manager or the original IP_Installer.
Cam still not discoverable on network so put a brand new card in, no luck. Checked all the cabling, RJ45 conns and power supply all ok and none have been disturbed lately. Router ok. Only one thing is that another device was given same IP address and wondered if this upset the cam, but wouldn't have thought it would damage it.
The cam is/was on Hanwha DDNS and Ipolis app but no connection to either.
Cam appears to be constantly turning on and off, within approx 15 secs, orange and yellow leds showing, and the fan works.
Tried to reset number of times, no luck, put cam on original subnet and later subnets but not showing, ARP/ping shows no cam IP or the MAC addresses,
any ideas welcome particularly taking it apart and how to interrogate the console or reflash the memory etc etc??