I have come to the conclusion that I need more light in front. The snapshot is from a Hivision turret at exposure 1/12. There is significant increase in noise at 1/30 (this is at 2mp - 4mp is even worse). I thought about adding IR light by replacing a motion detector light I installed 20 years ago when my daughter saw a creep looking in her window with a stocking on his head. The recommendations I have seen on this forum seem to be 12v lights (power adapter not included), I'm not sure how you guys are powering yours. Has anyone tried 120 volt powered IR's? Would it appear lit up like a Christmas ornament? I could use the existing power. I suppose you are using some sort of dusk/dawn timer to turn you IR lights off and on? Photo shows location of camera and existing light (shrub/tree will need some trimming). I appreciate your input and help.