Seeking advise for doorbell cam


Aug 2, 2020
Hello all,

I've been lurking around for sometime and decided to have my first post:

I’ve been looking for a decent doorbell for some time and my needs are

1. No monthly fees
2. Local storage of pictures taken when someone rings. And by local, I don’t mean on the SD card but on my NAS or PC (cloud storage on GDrive or Dropbox or my own server is OK but I don’t want to store on their cloud servers)
3. Reasonably priced (meaning not the price of a Ring)
4. Preference to having cat6 over WiFi
5. 24/7 video recording is not needed (for now)

I’ve been trying dbell for 7 month and am very unhappy with it. The spec and marketing data says it stores locally but that’s only when using BI or Zone Minder or similar apps. No local storage of pictures when someone rings. I also have tons of problems: app unable to connect to it after a day or two, have to reboot it a couple of times per week, sometime cannot even reboot and have to disconnect power cable, constantly goes into setup mode, app kills my phone battery, indoor chime randomly does not receive signal

I’m now considering the CDYCAM IP Video Intercom Smart WIFI Doorbell HD 720P and the YooSee SD-M5
I’ve read that thread and it seems to check all my boxes. Long term, I may get into using BI or other apps to record videos using motion/noise sensors and all that fancy stuff.

The CDYCAM seems to have a wider angle than the YooSee SD-M5, which is better for me as I need to install it about 2-3 feet from the middle of the door

Is the CDYCAM and YooSee SD-M5 my best option? Do you have any other suggestions?
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