Sentry Questions


Getting comfortable
Oct 5, 2017
I'm 3 days into Sentry. It is so far, pretty excellent. Very few false alarms. It is 80% good on Human recognition. I do not get any vehicle or pet (45 lb dog) alerts on any cameras. I do get the occasional "Motion" alerts. I thought that Vehicle and Pet alerting had been coming or already available. Is there a step beyond what I've set up for Vehicle/Pet alerting?

Also, is there a daily summary email? Do I need to enable that somehow?

Pets and Vehicles is a beta feature right now. Right now we do not fire ANY alerts based on vehicles and pets. We are still improving our accuracy before releasing to the public.

For the beta version, we provide summary images on a per camera basis. Many pet owners like seeing what their dogs/cats were up to during the day.


And many homeowners tend to be curious about cars as well.


Join the beta program here:
Alerts coming once the accuracy is at the right level!

-- Sam from Sentry

I;ve got Sentry up and running now. Will try the beta program.

Is there a way to remove the excessive verbiage from the daily summary email? There are paragraphs that are the same each message, when I am really just interested in the stats and pics and videos.