If you are around San Jose, and can consult on design of the system and selection of cameras I would be most interested.
2 houses. 6500 sq. ft. Two huge houses. Residential Mental Health / Substance Use Disorder treatment facilities.
One is a "regular" high end rehab, one is for Veterans. Veterans one is more complicated building as it has multiple floors and many nooks.
Concerns are not related to theft or self-harm. Mostly slip and fall just in case.
For management to be able to view videos, if access to be set up remotely then it requires firewalled access, and no access to camera manufacturer apps to videos due to HIPAA.
Looking for someone to analyze the house and help design the best system for the layout.
For example with guidelines like in this thread The Importance of Focal Length over MP in camera selection
Thank you
2 houses. 6500 sq. ft. Two huge houses. Residential Mental Health / Substance Use Disorder treatment facilities.
One is a "regular" high end rehab, one is for Veterans. Veterans one is more complicated building as it has multiple floors and many nooks.
Concerns are not related to theft or self-harm. Mostly slip and fall just in case.
For management to be able to view videos, if access to be set up remotely then it requires firewalled access, and no access to camera manufacturer apps to videos due to HIPAA.
Looking for someone to analyze the house and help design the best system for the layout.
For example with guidelines like in this thread The Importance of Focal Length over MP in camera selection
Thank you