Skip ahead/back by X seconds in BI app?


Young grasshopper
Feb 10, 2017
I recently switched from only recording motion events to recording 24/7 using substreams. I cut to 1 hour long chunks, but it's made it very difficult to navigate forward/back a few seconds at a time in the mobile app. I just switched to 15 min chunks to help that out, but still, it's more painful than it used to be to navigate around the clip. Is there anyway to skip forward/back a few seconds at a time with a button press than I'm missing or is the slider the only option?
Read the help for the app.
But yes you can skip 5 seconds at a time by simply tapping on the right or left of the picture.
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Thank you! That's exactly what I was hoping. However, I just tested it and it's extremely inconsistent, the presses only register sporadically.
Wow, I didn't realize I was "pressing" vs "tapping", but you're totally right, if I make it a quick tap it works perfectly. If I "press" (a heavy tap), then it doesn't always register it. Strange, but it works! Thanks for the help!
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