SmartPSS/Lite Playback NETSDK Error


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
The Swamp
So some of you may be getting the following NETSDK error when trying to use SmartPSS/Lite today and using the timeline to start/playback a clip.
This problem has been around for years and seems to most frequently show up after a DST switch like we had last night

Note that your NVR IS recording fine, and if you go to the NVR GUI the Search and AI search/playback functions still works fine. Interestingly, so does mobile DMSS

This is a bug in SmartPSS/Lite. It will occur on ANY NVR you try to use the playback timeline on with SmartPSS/Lite, so if you manage more than one NVR, it will do it on all.
I'm not aware of a fix. Some have said by simply closing SmartPSS in Windows Task Manager while running, it will resolve. Thats NOT my experience on Win11

Spoiler: It affects only TODAY's recording access and should/will clear itself at midnight tonight

Video demo of the problem below
  • Notice that the playback timeline works prior to 2am, the official DST change. (Even with DST disabled on your NVR)
  • But try to click the timeline to playback after 2am will result in the NETSDK error message.
  • Also notice that the right side pullout Event list works fine as well. The problem is only with the timeline
View attachment Recording 2025-03-09 112605.mp4