Special ANPR entry exit


Jul 10, 2018
Kollam , Kerala
Hello all, great community!

Can anyone please help us on my specific requirement

I need to know which cameras/ system to use for this.

1. Location is a Car repair garage
2. One Entry Barrier & One Exit Barrier
3. Once a car is allowed to enter, an operator need to input the plate number to the system (manually)
4. Then the car proceeds to the entry gate - barrier automatically opens (barrier i will take care)
5. Once the car is inside , if it goes to Exit gate - THE GATE SHOULD NOT OPEN.
6. Later a day or something, after the repair , The operator will put the number again into the system (manually) or Approves the car for exit
7. Then only the car can go to exit gate, and this time gate should open automatically
8. if this same car again go to the Entry gate, (without approval as per point no.3) the Entry gate SHOULD NOT open
9. If the same car again comes and take approval for entry then it is entered again by the operator and Entry Gates automatically opens - this cycles continues.

Do you have a solution to this, with NPR Camera (2 Numbers ) and its system including an interface for Operator to Put in Plate Numbers for Entry and Exit.