Sricam AP001 firmware request

Jul 7, 2015
Some time ago I bought two Sricam AP001 IP cameras.
Theyre OK for a cheap cam to play with, but last week I tried setting them up for motion detect with email alert.

One worked, one did not.

The ONLY difference I find is the firmware revision number; the one that works has firmware, The one that does not has version

YES, I made sure all the network and email settings are identical, and I've set up IP cameras for email alert on motion detect before.The camera with the .132 firmware does show motion alarms in the logs, but does not transmit email, and gives me the "cannot contact server" message on email test.

Does anyone have the firmware for a Siricam AP001, either version, or something later than

I tried contacting Technical Support, but they seem to have a problem reading plain English which included screenshots of the device information, networking and email settings,and a detailed description of the problem.

thanks in advance for any and all assistance!
They read English very well. They got your money, didn't they? Gotta pay a little more money and get a camera with USA good ratings. Sorry they got you.