Street Camera Installation


Jun 17, 2018

I have a lorex system and wanted to know what camera people would suggest and why for my cul-de-sac install.

I marked the tree with an arrow for the location of the camera.

Looking for identification purposes. camera position.png
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What are you trying to identify, people, vehicles, license plates?
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Looks similar to my setup.
You'll need two cameras, one for Overview and one for getting plates (LPR)

Cameras are mounted on a pole approx 20ft back from curb, plate capture at anywhere from 80ft-100ft
HOA Rear_Overview_main_20220607151254_@4.jpg HOA Rear_Tag_main_20220607151255_@4.jpg

HFW5442T-ASE (3.6mm) for the Overview camera
HFW5241E-Z12E for the LPR camera
Wow thanks for the help, currently have a basic

Here is the view, just trying to figure out what options I have to improve the view.camera2.png
I am thinking plates and people, not much action typically. I have been able to grab plates most of the time with my one basic camera,,
Do you want plates at night? Are you able to capture plates at night now?

You may be one of the rare instances in a cul-de-sac where you can at night, but I think most would recommend a dedicated camera for plate reading as @bigredfish shows.
Here is the view, just trying to figure out what options I have to improve the view.
You would have to define 'improve'. What needs improving?

I am thinking plates and people, not much action typically.
Plates and people? Plates are understandable and as other's have stated the cam and asked if night was important, I won't go there.

That's a fairly wide view. Just where in that view do you want to get people. And I am taking it you mean face ID.