They have issued a new Stupidity test in California

I don't see anything here about masks being mandatory here.
Only recommended if you're covid positive and to consider wearing one if you may have been exposed or if you're at risk of serious illness if infected.

I did however find some news articles about certain counties around san Fransisco mandating masks in medical environments such as those treating people at high risk of serious illness from infection.
Some mandate it for the medical staff only, some also for the patients and some also for visitors.
The mandate is for the "flu season" months which I think said from now until March or April next year.

It seems like a reasonable request.
I have only wore a mask once, and that was because I had a emergency and had to go to the ER.

I refused to wear one while grocery shopping. When I was told to put one on before I entered a store I said I have a condition where I can’t wear one, then showed my attorneys card to them.

Thankfully the company I worked for at the time figured out at day 1 that everything was bull shit so we worked straight through.

I assume I’ve had the Chinese cold, if I did I just treated it like a normal cold. Just carry on with life. I never tested positive or negative, because that would mean I would have had to have taken a test.

4 years ago when asked to put a mask on I would be polite and decline. Now if anyone were to ask me, they’d be getting a huge fuck you, lick my ballz.
Yes, you will be told not to breathe

Michael Oxford - AKA The Santa Cruz Mountain Goat
This is the video that changed my life.

In February of 2023, refusing to wear a mask - on a job site in San Francisco’s Pacific Heights - cost me my job, and nearly my career.
After getting fired, I made a video on my way home, and it went viral.
This landed me on @TuckerCarlson and @OwenShroyer1776, and everything changed after that.

Now, almost 2 years later, they’re bringing mask mandates back to hospitals.
This will soon be followed by mask mandates in public spaces.
If people comply, it will prove that we’ve learned nothing from the government mandated Covid restrictions.
I don’t know about you guys, but I will not be complying, and I don’t care if it costs me my job again, and I really like my new job.
It took me over a year to find a company that would take me on.
Now I’m getting recruited like crazy again.
Go figure.

Thank you for being here everyone, but please do not bend the knee to government overreach.
Don’t let them do this again.

4:36 PM · Oct 12, 2024
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