Time zone keep changing on Dahau cam

Ronnie Bailey

Getting the hang of it
Apr 4, 2018
Michigan, USA
Purchased this Dahau cam awhile ago, but it can't keep the time zone I set. I change it and save it, but later it is back to the china time zone..... What am I missing??

Dahau cam IPC-HDW2231R-ZS

Purchased this Dahau cam awhile ago, but it can't keep the time zone I set. I change it and save it, but later it is back to the china time zone..... What am I missing??

Dahau cam IPC-HDW2231R-ZS


Here are my settings, same cam and I am in CST. My NTP server settings will be different of course if you use one.


  • time.JPG
    68.5 KB · Views: 39
Yes, I use Nettime on my BI machine as the time server. You can get it here:
NetTime - Network Time Synchronization Tool

I don't run BL, and only run my computer a few hours a day. This particular camera is running on my synology NAS' Surveillance Station software. Any options for that?

Edit: just had another thought. I have two microPCs connected to two different TVs that run 24/7. Will that work?
I don't run BL, and only run my computer a few hours a day. This particular camera is running on my synology NAS' Surveillance Station software. Any options for that?

Edit: just had another thought. I have two microPCs connected to two different TVs that run 24/7. Will that work?
Running a time server on your htpc will work fine. Some routers can even run ntp servers.
Yes, I use Nettime on my BI machine as the time server. You can get it here:
NetTime - Network Time Synchronization Tool
Installed this app on one of my microPC's with reserved IP (static) address. Set the time to current. This morning it is back to Chinese time........

Edit: Stupid I had the GMT set for +4 and not - 4. Guess it is time for new glasses. Have no idea how I missed that. That camera was doing EXACTLY what I told it to do, guess it is smarter than me......

Thanks for your help.
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Wouldn't Michigan be -5 (if you are using daylight savings time settings) ?? Glad you figured it out though :)
Pacific GMT - 8
Mountain GMT - 7
Central GMT - 6
Eastern GMT -5

Michigan fancies itself in the Eastern time zone.

Just set it for GMT - 5

Checkmark daylight savings for automatic switching
March 2nd Sunday 0200
Nov 1st Sunday 0200

Camera will take care of the rest.