Triggered snapshots via Hikvision browser software


May 11, 2014

Hi All,

Not trying to teach grandma to suck eggs and realise that you seasoned pros on here probably know this already and will laugh at my ineptitude but this wasn't very clear to me or some other peeps on another forum. I just answered their question so thought I'd stick the info on here too for anyone scratching their heads about the following.

With ref to the event/detection triggered snapshots, I saw these settings with interest when playing with my new toy and switched them on with the attached settings:

I figured these settings meant that on a camera movement detection it would fire off 5 jpgs at high quality at that resolution 1000ms (1s) apart, thus giving me 5 high res pictures stored for each trigger.


Couldn't figure out why I couldn't find any pictures anywhere via the menus and so forth in the device for a couple of days in spite of there being hundreds of event detections.

Then I came across the download pictures section button (highlighted badly in yellow here):


in the playback section of the cam software. If you click this button it will open up a 'download picture' window:


It only today occurred to me to change the dropdown in the upper right to 'motion' from what it defaults to... (yeah, it's been a long week...)

Select the search period you require, hit search, et voila. There are your snapshot pictures ready to download.

Not found a way to view the pictures in the browser software but this lets one download them at the least which is a damn site further on than I was the last 2 days with it!

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