Trying to open BI recordings from harddrive, says i need to run as admin


Young grasshopper
Jul 17, 2019
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I am already logged into my admin account on windows 10. when i try to open video it says you must right click and run as administrator. i dont see that option when i right click the video file

im pretty sure this issue just started happening when i removed the password to my windows 10 account. i did so because when the computer randomly restart it wouldn't log in it would just sit on the password screen.


Pulling my weight
Sep 5, 2017
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I am already logged into my admin account on windows 10. when i try to open video it says you must right click and run as administrator. i dont see that option when i right click the video file

im pretty sure this issue just started happening when i removed the password to my windows 10 account. i did so because when the computer randomly restart it wouldn't log in it would just sit on the password screen.
It is possible to have a password and the computer log in automatically if I rightly remember. Check user account settings.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2014
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I am already logged into my admin account on windows 10. when i try to open video it says you must right click and run as administrator. i dont see that option when i right click the video file

im pretty sure this issue just started happening when i removed the password to my windows 10 account. i did so because when the computer randomly restart it wouldn't log in it would just sit on the password screen.
You won't see an option for "Run as administrator" when you right click on a video file. You will see "Play" or "Open in Blue Iris".

I suspect you are recording with BVR in Blue Iris as the file container format. The .BVR format is exclusive to Blue Iris. When you double click on a recording with an .BVR extension it should try to open BlueIrisAdmin.exe.

I suspect that your file association for .BVR was changed from BlueIrisAdmin.exe to Blueiris.exe and this is the source of your problem. When you double click on a recording with a .BVR extension, it is launching the non-admin version of BlueIris.exe, which causes the "Must run as Administrator" error. You will receive the error message when the option called "Require run-as administrator" is enabled in Blue Iris settings -> Startup tab.

You need to change the file association of .BVR to C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIrisAdmin.exe.


Young grasshopper
Jul 17, 2019
Reaction score
You won't see an option for "Run as administrator" when you right click on a video file. You will see "Play" or "Open in Blue Iris".

I suspect you are recording with BVR in Blue Iris as the file container format. The .BVR format is exclusive to Blue Iris. When you double click on a recording with an .BVR extension it should try to open BlueIrisAdmin.exe.

I suspect that your file association for .BVR was changed from BlueIrisAdmin.exe to Blueiris.exe and this is the source of your problem. When you double click on a recording with a .BVR extension, it is launching the non-admin version of BlueIris.exe, which causes the "Must run as Administrator" error. You will receive the error message when the option called "Require run-as administrator" is enabled in Blue Iris settings -> Startup tab.

You need to change the file association of .BVR to C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIrisAdmin.exe.

thank you, that did fix it. I wasn't even aware they are being recorded as .bvr.

If I ever want to move the video files to another PC or watch them on a PC without blue iris installed, wouldn't I want them being recorded as .mpgs or .avis. something more universal? is there an advantage to recording as .bvr. how do I go about changing that?


Getting the hang of it
Aug 21, 2018
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BVR is the recommended container.
You can open bvr files on another computer by installing Blue Iris as a demo or by exporting video from Blue Iris.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
thank you, that did fix it. I wasn't even aware they are being recorded as .bvr.

If I ever want to move the video files to another PC or watch them on a PC without blue iris installed, wouldn't I want them being recorded as .mpgs or .avis. something more universal? is there an advantage to recording as .bvr. how do I go about changing that?
Recording your camera using .BVR file container allows you to open and play that clip while it is still being recorded. Normally, in order to play a video clip you have to wait for all recording to stop and the file to be closed. If you record 24/7 continuously (not triggered), then .BVR offers a huge advantage over recording formats like AVI, WMV or MPEG4 (MP4). As Mikk36 pointed out, you can always export video from your .BVR clip to another file format like MPEG4 (MP4) which is supported on Mac OS, Linux and other OS platforms. I would recommend using Blue Iris DVR (BVR) as the File format and use either "Direct-to-disk" or re-encode using encoding "H264/MPEG4 AVC".

If you plan to add more cameras in the future or have high CPU utilization on your Blue Iris PC, then I would recommend using "Direct-to-disk" and not re-encode the video stream. Most IP cameras allow you to add the date and time stamps to the video overlay from the actual camera device. You can synchronize your cameras time to a NTP server. I recommend downloading a Windows NTP server and install it on the same computer running Blue Iris and have all your cameras synchronize their time to it.
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