Trying to wire my Bosch OD850 PIR... not having great luck :(

May 1, 2019
Reno, NV
Can anyone upload a picture or drawing of how you are suppose to wire these Bosch OD850 Tri-Tech outdoor PIR's? I successfully wired 3 indoor Bosch Gen2 PIR's (with the blue LED) fine and dandy. Thought I could just simply copy what I did for the indoor models to the outdoors. Nope, always showed 'open' on the keypad.
The method in the picture below finally satisfied the keypad but nothing triggers it during testing. The unit does get power (green & red LED lights go off upon approach). If I move the EOL resister to the other NC/T, keypad says it's open.
Thought maybe bad port on the DSC 1834 so moved it over to another port....same issue.
I did search through these forums....and via google. Amazing that there is little out there for this model.
Only a suggestion, but terminals 5 & 6 are for the tamper switch. I would think you should be using terminals 1 - 4 for normal Form A setup, as NC. Have you tried this yet?
I have 3 of these outdoor PIR's. 1 is installed outside. 2 are currently spare (for the moment). Will use one of the spares direclty at the alarm cabinet, use my laptop to keep eye on the Envysalink webserver page, and try different combinations.
Resolved. Wired as picture below. Dip switch #4 is ON so that means both PIR signals have to be triggered before opening contact (one being IR and the other being Microwave...and each has it's respective LED color light GREEN and RED). I failed to realize this for testing purposes as I was 6" away from PIR waving my hand to see the green LED light pop on but no opening of contact while watching the Envysalink GUI server page status. Never saw the red LED light come on. This meant only one of the PIR signals saw my waving hand, not both...that is why it was not opening. Apparently, 6" away is not the greatest testing scenario :) This is different from the Gen2 indoors Bosch Tritech PIR as you only have 1 blue LED to worry about for testing. All good now.
Was able to integrate the Bosch OD850 into my DSC 1832 alarm panel with Envsyalink which now integrates into my Home Assistant and I'm able to set up some home automation configs. I do have 2 more of these OD850's that will be place around/side of house later on.