Ubiquiti edge lite router


Getting comfortable
Mar 15, 2014
I'm looking to get a new router and I've been eyeing the ubiquiti line of routers. I'm impressed with the Ubiquiti line from the specs.

Anyone have any experience? I hope Nayr chimes in. :D. Also will hook it up to an access point, a any of them that do wireless n and g?
I use the EdgeRouter POE and it works great... it might be a lil too advanced for most consumer use and its quicker to configure from the command line.

you can use an access point like anything else, its not built in.. Wireless N is backwards compatible with G but it slows everyone down when its in play, try to get only N or AC devices and start phasing out your G equipment.
I have not used any of their EdgeRouter stuff. I am not a networking and linux pro like nayr, so I prefer high end consumer gear for this. My current router is an Asus RT-AC68U with Tomato firmware. It replaced an AC66U that was starting to show serious web interface lag when 40+ Mbps downloads were going on. Both routers are more than enough for most home use.
the performance is definitely there; it routes subnets of mine at 1Gbps across interfaces... so it'd handle an internet connection that fast.

if you have really fast internet be weary of consumer off the shelf routers, they often dont have the performance needed to actually give you the connection your paying for.. its certainly something you should research.. I bet very few cheap consumer routers will handle 100Mbit all that well.

there is a really nice web interface for the EdgeRouter's, not all options are available in it but its more than enough to get a basic home internet connection going.. alot of the more advanced options are just easier to setup through the CLI, sometimes thats the only option. You do need a good understanding of networking if you want to use any of the advanced features the EdgeRouter's can provide... for basic Home NAT/Firewall/DHCP Server its setup out of the box to do that.
Yes thats true. With really high speed internet (beyond 100 Mbps) then the list of things a high end consumer router will handle at full speed goes way down. I think the Asus routers have some kind of hardware acceleration that only works if QoS is off. Turn on QoS and you get less than 200 Mbps throughput between WAN and LAN. Of course it could be years yet before my ISP can deliver even 100 Mbps speed and by that point routers will have improved.
Don't have to worry about me ever getting faster than 5mb download unfortunately. Who is a good dealer of ubiquiti hardware
I get my wifi gear direct from: https://store.ubnt.com/

but it appears they dont have the ER on there; I got my ER+ off Amazon iirc.