UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Advanced Technology and Other Associated Weirdness

As some of you have come to understand, I am an Evangelist. The reason I believe there is no ET is simply
biblical. In Genesis the Creation agrees with the "Big Bang Theory" even to the point of the "Cosmic Dark Ages"!
Remember Heavens and the Earth. Note the word Heavens as it refers to more than 1 thing or place.

Next comes the "Cosmic Dark Ages" A little too much neutral hydrogen did not allow light to escape.
So Genesis 3. "Let there be light". And the galaxies and stars burned off the neutral hydrogen.

The next part agrees with the science, as all this shapeless dust congeals and forms earth, water etc.
The best part is down at Genesis 27 when we get made, man and woman.

More fun comes at the end, according to science. Called the "Big Rip", a separation of sorts with a
cold dark lonely forever! But, one has to wonder all the way to the end of "The Book of Revelations"
So no ET. WE ARE SPECIAL, you and I!
I'm Catholic as well, so I totally get where you are coming from. I'm not posting here to change any opinions or beliefs, just saying what I personally believe. I get my fair share of weird looks from family and friends when I talk about this stuff, so I'm certain I'm in the minority.

As far as religion goes, though, the Pope and head of astronomy at the Vatican have recently said in the last couple of decades that belief in extra terrestrials would not necessarily go against religion. I raised an eyebrow when I read that. I wondered if maybe they knew something that we did not, and were prepping the mass of religious people for something that may be revealed in our lifetime? Or were they saying that since modern science has already changed some of the early Catholic teachings on the physical makeup of the universe (ie the age of the Earth, the Earth orbiting the Sun, etc) , that maybe it is possible that humans can be wrong about life outside of Earth as well? Who knows? But it's a subject I am very interested in and like to hear other people's opinions on it.
It's a little strange that our widespread use of semiconductors happened immediately following the 1947 Roswell crash.
There's nothing strange about it at all. Our modern understanding of electronics began in the late 19th century and early 20th century with the discovery of the Edison effect and the development of quantum physics. The concept of the field effect transistor (FET) was patented by Julius Lilienfeld in 1926. Russell Ohl of Bell Labs discovered the physics of the p-n semiconductor junction (and published it in the technical literature) in 1939. Bell Labs tried to construct an FET during WW2, but instead wound up inventing the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in 1947 (it was easier to fabricate). It took until 1959 for engineers to figure out how to eliminate charge trapping due to oxide defects, and fabricate a working FET. The development of the transistor and the integrated circuit are meticulously documented in nearly 80 years of technical literature.

Also, those theoretical aliens in that crashed ship should have had electronic components that are literally decades or hundreds of years more advanced than what we have right now, and our technology has progressed from discrete transistors to integrated circuits containing billions of transistors with feature sizes less than 10 nanometers. We may very well be transitioning away from silicon entirely in the next two decades. Any technology in that spacecraft would have been essentially incomprehensible to those engineers in 1947. It would be like handing a scientist in 1847 an integrated circuit, and him somehow coming up with the concept of the vacuum tube.

Take my word for it: we developed modern semiconductor technology entirely on our own. (Disclaimer: I'm an EE, and I've spent most of my career in microelectronics research.)
I want to believe (hey, wasn't that an X-Files movie??), but I just take any religion with a certain degree of skepticism. ESPECIALLY the religion that is popularly known as, "Science". If you somehow think that "Science" isn't a religion, I think you just haven't been paying attention enough...
The concept of the field effect transistor (FET) was patented by Julius Lilienfeld in 1926.

wound up inventing the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in 1947

Having and idea for something and having the technology available to implement it are two totally different things. Humans are smart. DaVinci made drawings of helicopter concepts, but the technology was not there at the time.

I also find the akashic records theory very interesting, too. Multiple people throughout history coming up with the same idea for a piece of technology at the same time.

Again, I suppose there is no actual proof of any of this, but there is way to much evidence out there to just completely dismiss it either. For me, at least.
I heard Dr. Greer once say "Imagine if you took a nuclear reactor back to Victorian times". Naturally people would be fascinated by this power source and would probably attempt to take it apart to find out what makes it tick. Problem is they'd die from the radiation of the core as radiation was not understood like it is now. Then, someone would eventually notice those people missing and would go investigate then they'd die of radiation exposure too. Eventually, a lot of people would come to the conclusion that it was possessed by evil spirits or evil black magic. We've come along ways in 150 years. So many teachings, beliefs were promoted in the past as fact but since have been proven wrong. The earth is not flat yet there are many today who still believe it is and have conducted experiments using math and technology to prove the earth is flat....so far, FAIL! Just because other humans say something is true it should be met with some heathy dose of skepticism but with an open mind regarding both sides of the argument. A closed mind hasn't learned anything from history. History repeats over and over.

It wasn't until 1869 that the west verified the existence of panda bears. The panda bear was right up there with Big Foot. Before 1869, many people on this forum would probably call the panda bears a bullshit story. 1869 wasn't all that long ago and well past many, many 1492 type expeditions. There are many things natural to this planet that we don't know about and perhaps other things not natural to this planet yet to be accepted as fact. Until then, remain skeptical but have an open mind. God's great universe is ever expansive...does any human really know what's out there?

I'll tell ya what sealed the deal for me on the earth being round... If it was flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now ;)
I'll tell ya what sealed the deal for me on the earth being round... If it was flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now ;)

Glad you finally came around....LOL.
It's a little strange that our widespread use of semiconductors happened immediately following the 1947 Roswell crash.
Having and idea for something and having the technology available to implement it are two totally different things. Humans are smart. DaVinci made drawings of helicopter concepts, but the technology was not there at the time.

I also find the akashic records theory very interesting, too. Multiple people throughout history coming up with the same idea for a piece of technology at the same time.

Again, I suppose there is no actual proof of any of this, but there is way to much evidence out there to just completely dismiss it either. For me, at least.
So are you saying that we would not have been able to make the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in 1947 if it had not been for the Roswell crash? So you think that the crashed UFO had a chip manufacturing factory on board and that is how we figured out how to make these?
I'm Catholic as well, so I totally get where you are coming from. I'm not posting here to change any opinions or beliefs, just saying what I personally believe. I get my fair share of weird looks from family and friends when I talk about this stuff, so I'm certain I'm in the minority.

As far as religion goes, though, the Pope and head of astronomy at the Vatican have recently said in the last couple of decades that belief in extra terrestrials would not necessarily go against religion. I raised an eyebrow when I read that. I wondered if maybe they knew something that we did not, and were prepping the mass of religious people for something that may be revealed in our lifetime? Or were they saying that since modern science has already changed some of the early Catholic teachings on the physical makeup of the universe (ie the age of the Earth, the Earth orbiting the Sun, etc) , that maybe it is possible that humans can be wrong about life outside of Earth as well? Who knows? But it's a subject I am very interested in and like to hear other people's opinions on it.

Well said!

I was raised COC, and now attend Catholic church every Sunday with my wife and kids. I am not Catholic and never will be. But that's not the point nor is it a knock on Catholicism. I crack up when I hear 'religious' folk talk about how the dinosaurs are fake, that the earth is only so many thousand years old, on and on.

My kids ask me questions all the time about this stuff, and even my wife which is a devout Catholic, she even agrees that why would we be the ONLY living thing in this universe? What happens if God (my God...your God may vary:) decided to make many more types of life forms? Would it change anything about the bible or what I believe? NOPE...why would it?

Just my opinion and I am glad this topic was started.
So are you saying that we would not have been able to make the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in 1947 if it had not been for the Roswell crash? So you think that the crashed UFO had a chip manufacturing factory on board and that is how we figured out how to make these?
We would have figured it out eventually, but maybe it gave us a kick in the ass on the material composition and how to put together. There was an absolute explosion of technological advancement around this time. 50 years prior we were being pulled around by animals for transportation.

What if someone delivered an engine and some modern metalworking tools to DaVinci? Likely we would have had a helicopter much sooner.

Also, the 1947 crash is not the only one the government does not want us to know about.
Aluminum will be discovered in 1825. This starts to sound like Gilligan's Island. :rofl: :rofl:
So are you saying that we would not have been able to make the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in 1947 if it had not been for the Roswell crash? So you think that the crashed UFO had a chip manufacturing factory on board and that is how we figured out how to make these?

I believe if technology was gained from a crashed UFO in 1947 it was more about understanding that circuits could be miniaturized and interconnected; Not that we learned about how to make a semiconductor transistor. It's all about planting a seed of thought and going "I wonder if we could interconnect circuits in a similar fashion". Some say that fiber optics may have come from the UFO. Again, maybe it just planted the seed that maybe we could transmit data more quickly though a "transparent wire" and we mimicked it by using glass and eventually plastics. More of "that an interesting idea/concept....let's try to use that idea and see what we can come up with".
I believe if technology was gained from a crashed UFO in 1947 it was more about understanding that circuits could be miniaturized and interconnected; Not that we learned about how to make a semiconductor transistor. It's all about planting a seed of thought and going "I wonder if we could interconnect circuits in a similar fashion". Some say that fiber optics may have come from the UFO. Again, maybe it just planted the seed that maybe we could transmit data more quickly though a "transparent wire" and we mimicked it by using glass and eventually plastics. More of "that an interesting idea/concept....let's try to use that idea and see what we can come up with".
The first integrated circuits were separately developed and announced by Bob Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductors and Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments in 1959. Kilby did it in germanium, and Noyce in silicon (using a more practical planar manufacturing process), but the concept went all the way back to the 1920's when engineers miniaturized and combined multiple vacuum tubes inside a single package. Once the invention of the transistor was announced, engineers immediately began to consider how multiple transistors could be combined in the same package.

In a more practical sense, miniaturization and integration of components went all the way back to 1510 with the invention of the first pocket watch. Engineers were applying it to mechanical systems long before the invention of vacuum tubes in the early 20th century. The advantages of such systems were obvious to everyone; it was only a matter of figuring out the manufacturing processes to make them practical and economical.

Anyone who learns about microelectronics or fiber optics will find that the original principles date back to the 19th century. Those who claim that they came from UFOs fall into the logical fallacy of "a lot of new inventions appeared after this particular date, so there must be something special about that date". One could just as easily claim that every significant technical advancement after 1947 came from a UFO crash. What was really happening was exponential technological development as a consequence of the industrial age and the scientific method, dating back to the 1700's.

You can arbitrary pick any random date in the 20th century and show that technology advanced exponentially after that date. For example, one could argue that modern smartphones were invented because alien communicators were found in the Roswell crash, while ignoring the history of portable communications devices going back to the 1920's.

As I said, the development of every major technological advance is meticulously documented in the technical literature. Engineers and scientists are every bit as imaginative and clever as any theoretical alien. One thing that I've learned in my career is that there are people you will meet who aren't just smart; they are absolutely brilliant in a way that even your typical "smart" person can't grasp. They come up with new ideas that literally seem to drop from the heavens, but they didn't learn them from space aliens. They were just very smart and creative.
Here we go again....which one of you anus-tongue eaters did this?