This is a strange one.
Just noticed a couple of days ago.
While at home on my network I can remote to any of my camera's via IE & 192.168.254.x
Couple of days ago I VPN'd in from offsite and could not remote to my camera's using IE & 192.168.254.x BUT can remote to
I am not sure if this just started or if it has been this way since the last firmware upgrade. (anyone else with this issue?)
No port forwarding what so ever, I do not and have never used HikConnect
Just noticed a couple of days ago.
While at home on my network I can remote to any of my camera's via IE & 192.168.254.x
Couple of days ago I VPN'd in from offsite and could not remote to my camera's using IE & 192.168.254.x BUT can remote to
I am not sure if this just started or if it has been this way since the last firmware upgrade. (anyone else with this issue?)
No port forwarding what so ever, I do not and have never used HikConnect