Unable to stream to non-LAN RTMP after extensive troubleshooting (Youtube Live)

May 7, 2024
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I've read so many threads and watched so many tutorials and unfortunately am still coming up struggling for answers. I'm trying to stream my EmpireTech IPC-B54IR-Z4E S3 to Youtube Live, but Youtube Live never receives a connection. I spent 6 hours troubleshooting last night which I've summarized below. I'd love some help!

Here is my setup:

I use an Eero router with a TPLink PoE Switch. I do not have any ports forwarded but do have the camera on a static IP. As I understand it, an outbound RTMP stream should not require any port forwarding. The testing I did with originating a stream from my laptop confirmed this, as far as I can tell.

Here are the troubleshooting steps I've tried:
  1. Can the camera send an RTMP stream anywhere on the internet? I tried Twitch, Restream, and Youtube Live, and none of them worked.
  2. If I take the ethernet cable going to the camera and plug it into my laptop (turning wifi off), can I stream to Youtube Live? I installed OBS Studio and configured my RTMP settings in the same way they were configured in the camera and yes, that was successful. That makes me think I don't have an ISP problem.
    CleanShot 2024-05-10 at 08.37.27@2x.png
  3. If I install an Local RTMP client on my laptop and point the camera to that server can I have the camera stream to that server? Yes, so the camera can successfully stream RTMP to a LAN destination, but not an internet destination.
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  4. Is there an error in the logs that I can fix? No, no errors:
  5. Could I have bad settings on the camera? I did a factory reset and tried all the above steps again and was still unable to stream from the camera to YouTube Live
  6. Could it be a problem with the main stream vs. a substream? I configured the encoding settings on Substream 2 to match the instructions (h264, AAC audio, etc.) and reconfigured the RTMP settings to use Substream 2. This did not fix the issue
  7. Could the camera have DNS resolution issues? I resolved the youtube RTMP stream URL to the IP and checked via OBS that I could still stream successfully. Then, I updated the camera to stream to that same address. This did not fix the issue
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  8. Is a P2P registration required to stream to youtube? I attempted to set it up via the DMSS iOS app but wasn't successful.
  9. Could the EmpireTech firmware have a bug that the Dahua firmware doesn't have? I installed the Dahua firmware, repeated all the above steps, and still was unable to stream from the camera to YouTube Live

In summary, my camera seems to be unable to stream to any non-local IP address whereas a laptop on the same subnet, using the same exact ethernet cable, is successful. I'm not sure what to do as a next step and I would really appreciate anyone's input who has an idea!


Last edited:
May 7, 2024
Reaction score
Update: I fixed it. I don't know why this was needed but I changed DNS to and and changed network to DHCP with a reservation in my router and that fixed it. No idea why but that was what did it.