Upset trash truck driver

I'd have that asshole's job, I paid for both of my bins upfront and they were not cheap...

but my trash service is great, after they empty the bins they drag them back up next to my house and dont leave em on the street to get washed down the gutter in a storm.
Our trash company stole our bin that we personally bought with no marking then argued about it. Never got it back
I tip my trash guys $50 at Christmas each year. I NEVER have issues. In fact, I've caught them using their on-board water to hose out my cans before they put them back on the driveway. I'm sure I could put out a junked VW Beetle, and they'd take it. My neighbors, on the other hand, can't get them to pick up sticks that are an inch over 4' and properly bundled. TIPS.... To Insure Prompt Service. It works.

But the guy in this video only goes to prove that it takes an act of congress to get government employees fired.