Fresh info from Dahua Poland - there will be DMSS 2.0 released in next few days..
And new cloud account mode - where classic P2P service, which allow to connect client with camera/NVR over many firewalls will be replaced by DoLynk Cloud, which will work as proxy server.

Now I start understand big push from Dahua around DoLynk Cloud in second part of 2024.
Strange DoLynk YouTube presentations which sounded like big mambo jambo without proper technical details..
Huge number of strange firmware updates with (almost) empty change log for every possibly camera & NVR model in 2024. Also for models deprecated many years ago.
Strange big data transfers from 5xxx-EI NVRs with fresh 2024 firmware to the Dahua cloud, which can eat 100GB / month of NVR mobile transfer and contain video footage from NVRs with AI events...
They prepared to change base protocol / infrastructure for cloud connectivity..
New DMSS in new mode should give faster video streaming performance.

There will be new settings page for cloud mode with more streamlined settings:

Many other features described in this presentation, for me are working in DMSS from some time...
Full official Dahua presentation in PDF file attached to this post below...
And new cloud account mode - where classic P2P service, which allow to connect client with camera/NVR over many firewalls will be replaced by DoLynk Cloud, which will work as proxy server.

Now I start understand big push from Dahua around DoLynk Cloud in second part of 2024.
Strange DoLynk YouTube presentations which sounded like big mambo jambo without proper technical details..
Huge number of strange firmware updates with (almost) empty change log for every possibly camera & NVR model in 2024. Also for models deprecated many years ago.
Strange big data transfers from 5xxx-EI NVRs with fresh 2024 firmware to the Dahua cloud, which can eat 100GB / month of NVR mobile transfer and contain video footage from NVRs with AI events...
They prepared to change base protocol / infrastructure for cloud connectivity..
New DMSS in new mode should give faster video streaming performance.

There will be new settings page for cloud mode with more streamlined settings:

Many other features described in this presentation, for me are working in DMSS from some time...
Full official Dahua presentation in PDF file attached to this post below...
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