Use multiple buttons of VTO3211D-P2-S2 in dmss


Sep 25, 2020
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Hey guys, just got back from a guy that had an VTO3211D-P2-S2 installed by someone else a few years ago. He has an office at home with a shared front door. The outdoor unit has 2 physical buttons, "Private" and "Office". In the office there is also a VTH2421FB-P. Firmware is 4.5somthing.

The idea was a visitors pushed the intended button and a popup would show on the phone which button was pressed. So both buttons could be answered by the owner's mobile app, when home or away. Only the Office button is linked to the VTH so when someone is in the office and that button is pressed, they can answer the door.

The problem is the guy just got a new phone and has no contact with the old installed anymore. I installed the camera system and used DMSS on his old phone for management, so he asked me to fix the doorbell. He told me he had to use 2 apps before because he couldn't add 2 buttons (same VTO but 2 different rooms) to the same app. So he had DMSS (which also is used for the camsystem I put there) and DMSS HD which is used for the second room/button. I added the office button/room to the DMSS app. and is works, we get a push notification whenever the button is pressed. However, the button added to the DMSS HD app doesn't get the notification. If I open the app manually and then push the button, it sometimes responds. But this is not workable. I tried turning off and on notifications in the app,but it doesn't help. He had this problem on his old phone also.

  • Is there a option to add both buttons/rooms in the same dmss app? I tried by scanning both QR codes but when I try to add the second is says the device is already added (which is logical as it refers to the VTO, not the button itself)
  • If not, it is possible to make the DMSS HD (or another app) work with the push notification? Maybe 2 versions of the DMSS app is a problem. I read something of a rebranded dmss app but cannot find it again.

I'm not really into the doorbell system so it's kind of hard to diagnose or check settings. Can you guys help me out? Any help appreciated, kind of in the dark on this one.