Vertical lines and noise on two hik ip cameras


Dec 25, 2021
Hello ,

I have installed some hik ip cameras with wifi connection. I get randomly and for lots of hours the image I attach to two of my cameras. It happens both at day and night and also already replaced both power supplies.
Any ideas before trying to send them for warranty. Since it is very strange that two cameras in less than a year show this problem 9558EECF-A669-4197-9ED2-15B6E3026AA0.pngD403CD17-B64E-4B24-9319-B20B98ECDC84.png
Surveillance cameras and wifi are a bad combination.

Wifi routers are problematic for surveillance cameras because they are always streaming and passing data. And the data demands go up with motion and then you lose signal. A lost packet and it has to resend. It can bring the whole network down if trying to send cameras through a wifi router. At the very least it can slow down your system.

Unlike Netflix and other streaming services that buffer a movie, these cameras do not buffer up part of the video, so drop outs are frequent. You would be amazed how much streaming services buffer - don't believe me, start watching something and unplug your router and watch how much longer you can watch NetFlix before it freezes - mine goes 45 seconds. Now do the same with a wifi camera and it is fairly instantaneous (within the latency of the stream itself)...

The same issue applies even with the hard-wired cameras trying to send all this non-buffer video stream through a router. Most consumer grade wifi routers are not designed to pass the constant video stream data of cameras, and since they do not buffer, you get these issues. The consumer routers are just not designed for this kind of traffic even a GB speed router.

Maybe it works fine for awhile, and then the neighbor turns on their microwave and this kinda stuff happens.

With that said, turn off WDR and see if that fixes it. I have seen similar issues when folks try to use WDR at night in some fields of view.
Recorded where - to the SD card or an NVR?

If it is recording anywhere other than the SD card, it will record it exactly like it shows.

And I guess if a camera is struggling enough with wifi interference and the little processor cannot keep up, it could even mess with the live local image recording to an SD card.
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I would try a factory reset of the camera and let it run auto/default and see if it still happens. I suspect that something might of got wonky.

Who knows, maybe the firmware update (if you did update it) messed it up. Wouldn't be the first time we have seen a firmware update mess up a camera.
Could be if some electromagnetic power is close to camera(strong current). Unplug power, put camera on table, plug in see if it works normally. Most of these issues are solved by trial and error.
I have the same problem on some WIFI IP cameras, this one exactly: DS-2CV1021G0-IDW1

They run fine for few hours, then lines and noise appears suddenly and stay so until you restart the camera, then the image is flawless for few hours and repeats so.

The cameras are connected via ethernet.

Thought it could be low voltage because it was at 11.5v with a crappy power cable. Changed it then I checked voltage at the camera is ok at 12.05v. but still happens.

Anyone know what could be the problem?


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