Video Clip same name on Server via FTP


Sep 6, 2017
Hi, I have setting a camera for Record on Periodic, each 3 min for 5 sec . Combine or cut video each 1 min. So every 3 minutes, it sends the converted .mp4 file to my server via FTP. A file that is named with the name of the camera, the date and time.

Is it possible to have a file name always the same ? As for the JPEGs Post. I can display the photo on my weather web site, with a code that gets refreshed in 1 minute with the view of the new photo.

Or I have to use a code on my website that will display the latest send file in my server. But then how to automatically delete old videos ?

I found a code for the name of a specific video. If you would have the code to broadcast the last video recorded on the server, I would be grateful to you.