Video is showing everywhere except main output screen


Dec 5, 2018
I'm having a really weird problem with a Invid UD3A-32. We've had this unit for years and all of a sudden we get no camera video on our main output HDMI monitor. We can still see the menus but the camera screens are just black. But the video works on the CVBS output. It works on the phone app. And it works on playback on the main monitor. We've been getting random reboots too. Is the unit dead? It's out of warranty.

1. Main output HDMI monitor showing menus but all cameras are black screen
2. CVBS monitor showing camera video
3. Phone app showing camera video
4. Playback from main monitor works. Cameras are recording.
5. Random reboots .
6. Multiple factory resets done.

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Do you have access to another HDMI cable?
Another HDMI monitor?
The output is working fine. Its just not showing any image from the cameras. See my pics.
I did see your pics.
So I guess your answer is "no." :wtf:
Please read my post very carefully and explain how an HDMI cable would fix this.
Not sure why you created this thread, as you seem to know what NOT to do....:blankstare:

Not sure why you created this thread, as you seem to know what NOT to do....:blankstare:
Thanks for trying to help but you're not understanding the issue. The HDMI output is working. I posted the pics to make that fact very clear. Switching cables and monitors won't change anything.
Maybe he asked because we have seen it before...

You would be surprised. I had a similar issue with an old analog system. Showed the screens like you have but no video. Changed the old cable out and it worked again. Cables can go bad and not be able to fully transmit what they once could. Or maybe a device got a firmware update and the driver is messed up.

Or your unit has been hacked and thus the random reboots, and maybe someone in hacking it (or maybe someone in your household unintentionally) changed the resolution of the camera feed and the monitor/HDMI cable cannot carry it and display it.

He was simply going down the checklist of things to check first.
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Maybe he asked because we have seen it before...

You would be surprised. I had a similar issue with an old analog system. Showed the screens like you have but no video. Changed the old cable out and it worked again. Cables can go bad and not be able to fully transmit what they once could.
Are you saying that you changed the HDMI cable to a monitor and it made the Live View start working again? Even when you could already see the HDMI output from the NVR including recordings?

I'll try a new HDMI cable today just to make absolutely sure...
Yes. I could see a screen just like yours. Makes no sense I know. I thought cables were either it worked or it didn't.
Yes. I could see a screen just like yours. Makes no sense I know. I thought cables were either it worked or it didn't.
In the foreground is a new monitor with a new HDMI cable.

In the background is the original monitor simultaneously running on the VGA output.


This pic shows playback from 1 minute ago on the same monitors:

Well that is a bummer. I was hoping that would be the easy solution.

I don't know that particular unit, but the next thing now I would look and see if there are any settings for the live view that somehow got changed - for example does that unit allow substreams and are they unchecked? And if you can change resolution, change one of the cameras to a low resolution and see if it shows.

If you solo a camera on the live view, does it show?

I would also look at the log and see if you recognize any logins that are not you. Or did the unit somehow update firmware?

If it isn't the monitor, cable, a setting on the live view, and no hacking logins, then I suspect the part of the board responsible for sending the live view went out.
So there's also no live camera video using VGA?
That was not in your first post, FWIW, where you stated "...we get no camera video on our main output HDMI monitor."

Since there's no live camera video via HDMI or VGA that changes things somewhat.....but I have no idea...sorry. :idk:
Could their be a possibility that the administration rights for the live view be messed up. Or you've logged in under a basic guest account that has live view disabled.