View IVR events in Dahua Web Service?

Kevin Michaels

Young grasshopper
Jan 26, 2018
Model: NVR5208-8P-4KS2
System version: 3.215.0000000.2
Web version:
Camera: IPC-HDW5231R-Z

Ideally, I'd like to be able to see a digest video showing clips recorded from every IVS event that's happened in a given time period. Right now, I can use the Web Service software to download individual clips to my PC and view them, but this isn't a convenient way to review what's happened.

Also, the playback window in Web Service hints that it should be able to show me when events have occurred right on the video timeline because it has a color coded key at the bottom for different kinds of events, but I only ever see green on the timeline which indicates normal non-event video.

Can anyone whose used a Dahua setup provide some guidance?


You can filter by event type in smart pss when trying to playback clips, but I'm not sure it'll work quite the way you'd like it to. I don't have a dahua nvr.
I have good news and bad news. I just tried this on my 5216 on the web interface, and if I unclick all but the IVS events only the orange sections are left on the timeline, and when playing it automatically skips from the end of one event to the start of the next (not a digest video, just back-to-back playing of the individual clips). The bad news is that you're not seeing the orange sections on the timeline. Your nvr firmware is newer than mine so I doubt the problem would be there. I've had the same problem by not having the nvr set up to record IVS events. You have to enable it in more than one place. One is on the record channel setting in the camera's IVS setup page, and another is on the storage schedule page for the camera. Those are the only ones I remember at the moment, can't guarantee it's the full list. Are you sure the IVS events are being triggered? You can see that in the camera log. And you can look in the NVR log to see if it is seeing the IVS events.
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Ah, yes, I see. If I unclick "normal" events from the timeline, I do now see the "orange" IVS events. Not very intuitive, as I would expect to see IVS overlayed on top of the normal, but at least it does work. Thank you!

I also finally got the Smart Play feature to work. I'm not sure how, because it wouldn't work for days, but I must have touched whatever was missing. I actually like the way Smart Play gives you snapshots that you can then click on to see the corresponding video clip. My only gripe here is that the video window is TINY. Would be nice to be able to have the full-size player come up. Anyway, I think I've now got it functioning close to how I'd like it.

One additional question: Do you know how the snapshot feature works? I've got it set up to take them, but other than the Smart Play window, I can't see where I could view or download them.

Thanks again!
Hopefully somebody else can help with snapshots, as I'm not using them. I now see what you mean about the thinnest orange lines getting covered up by the green. I normally use smartPss and the orange lines always show. Possibly they enforce a minimum width on the timeline display. I use the NVR's web interface only when there's something I can't do from smartPss, and since I installed the latest smartPss the NVR logins are pretty rare.
I hadn't looked at the software disk that came with the NVR until you mentioned SmartPSS. Went ahead and installed it. It seems to do a better job of some things than the web UI, but not others. I find Dahua's software to be frustrating, as it isn't well documented and it isn't always clear what you can do, or how to do what you want.

SmartPSS definitely has a way to search and view pictures. But now I see that for some reason my NVR is taking pictures once every second all the time! No clue why that is. Guess I'll have to fiddle with it some more to try and figure that out.
I hadn't looked at the software disk that came with the NVR until you mentioned SmartPSS. Went ahead and installed it. It seems to do a better job of some things than the web UI, but not others. I find Dahua's software to be frustrating, as it isn't well documented and it isn't always clear what you can do, or how to do what you want.

SmartPSS definitely has a way to search and view pictures. But now I see that for some reason my NVR is taking pictures once every second all the time! No clue why that is. Guess I'll have to fiddle with it some more to try and figure that out.
There's likely a newer version you can download, latest is 2.02.0. It is a bit disappointing that a company of Dahua's size hasn't done a better job or translating menus and documentation into english. At the same time this also helps keep some pretty good equipment affordable.