VTO2000A-C Failed Login (Blaclist)

Nov 5, 2019
Hello. I have a video / intercom system for the home consisting of an external VTO2000A-c module and the internal VTH1510 module.
in 2018, when it was mounted, the interaction with the iDMSS Lite mobile app (iphone) worked very well in receiving calls when they rang. after a while the apo does not sound to me anymore. I can only see the cam.
in while the local system in the home works well. I updated to version 4.3.0 after being told by an official Dahua dealer in Italy. done update. no longer able to make the VTO interact with the VTH. after a VTO software reset after the first request to set password and recovery email to login by Login Failed.
even after a hard hardware reset with the mode press 5 times on the tamper-proof tamper. reset me the VTO on default ip web page initialization password set at login in the system I am blocked new.
with the software on the VTD computer where I set the password after a login test tells me BlackList! how can i solve. thanks.