Web server does not run when Blue Iris v5 runs as Windows service

Oct 11, 2019
California, USA

I am in the process of setting up a new Blue Iris v5 (latest version) system and am running into an issue trying to run Blue Iris as a service, and keep the web server running at the same time.

I have Blue Iris running as a service under a domain account (blueiris@local.example.com). I am using a domain account because I am storing my "Stored" clips on a NAS and it connects with those credentials. This part is working fine.

If I have the Blue Iris console open on my host computer I can access the web server via that computers IP from my workstation. This works great. But if I close Blue Iris, I am no longer able to access the web server. The Blue Iris service keeps running, clips keep recording, but I cannot view them from my workstation unless I boot up the console on the Blue Iris server.

Is this behavior intended? Is there anyway to keep the web server running while Blue Iris is running as a service and the console is closed?
And I solved my own problem.

The issue was I have two NICs on this server. One that connects to my main network, and one that connects to an isolated VLAN with the cameras.

On Blue Iris Settings > Web Server tab > Local, internet (LAN) access it was set to the isolated VLAN IP address.