Webserver stopped working


Getting the hang of it
Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
Central Florida
After several years of no problem, the webserver seems to have stopped working.

I use no-ip as well.

The IP addresses of the computer, and the outside IP have not changed.
The computer is port forwarded correctly.

I do have the internal side working, but for some reason, I cant get the cameras to show up on apps (either the blue iris app or other apps).

It appears the computer is hitting the no-ip server based on their webpage.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Don't be surprised if NO-IP screws you in the near future.

I've had their "Enhanced Dynamic DNS" with up to 25 hostnames for 10 years, since Nov. 2013.
They billed my credit card $22 every month and in 2016 it went up to $24.95 per month...no problem.
It remained at $24.95 per month for 7 years until Oct. 2023 when it jumped to $59.99 per month....no email, no warning....a 140% increase!
No way would I have approved that.

So I call them. They have no special extension for billing. They say online to fill out a ticket, so I did, got a ticket number.
Waited a week, no response so I log in and look.....no ticket!

I cancelled of course but I'm paid up for a year whether I like it or not.
Bottom line? NO-IP is a bunch of crooks disguised as a legitimate DDNS provider.

Capital One was no help, I called it fraudulent and they had me filling out forms by the dozen so I dropped the issue...I can make 3 times that $$$ in the time it's take me to fill out and submit the copies, etc.

I'd love for No-IP to read this or anyone else out there that has had a similar issue with them. NO-IP IS AS CROOKED AS A DOG'S HIND LEG!
I urge you to cancel your No-IP DDNS or other DDNS, become a IPCT+ member and use IPCT's DDNS !


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Do you know your WAN IP? If not, go to whatismyip.org to find out.

To see if NO-IP (or any DDNS provider) is updating your hostname with your current WAN IP, open a CMD window and ping your hostname.....it should reply with your current WAN IP if it's resolving properly.


Getting the hang of it
Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
Central Florida
Do you know your WAN IP? If not, go to whatismyip.org to find out.

To see if NO-IP (or any DDNS provider) is updating your hostname with your current WAN IP, open a CMD window and ping your hostname.....it should reply with your current WAN IP if it's resolving properly.
I will look into it.

I am paid up for a year, so Im trying to work on getting this figured out.


Getting the hang of it
Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
Central Florida
Do you know your WAN IP? If not, go to whatismyip.org to find out.

To see if NO-IP (or any DDNS provider) is updating your hostname with your current WAN IP, open a CMD window and ping your hostname.....it should reply with your current WAN IP if it's resolving properly.
Tried pinging it.....
Do you know your WAN IP? If not, go to whatismyip.org to find out.

To see if NO-IP (or any DDNS provider) is updating your hostname with your current WAN IP, open a CMD window and ping your hostname.....it should reply with your current WAN IP if it's resolving properly.
C:\>ping www.s********t.ddns.net
Ping request could not find host www.s*********t.ddns.net. Please check the name and try again.

Using portchecktool.com I know it can be seen from the outside...

Success! I can see your service on *...* on port (81)
Your ISP/Router/Firewall is not blocking port 81.
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