What is "The Cloud"? (just humor, not help)


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
OK, so this isn't really a helpful video from a technical standpoint but I found it humorous and entertaining and if you're like me, you need a break from all the rigors and stresses of the day from time to time.
Also I must admit, I am tempted to send a link to this video to my techno-challenged customers and friends the next time one asks me....."Just what is "THE CLOUD" "?

Send this video out to all the millennial's out there. They don't realize the cloud can go off-line any moment and when schoolwork is due and kids don't have the original file, they are screwed and then instructors are forced to hear the rant and excuses when an assignment is due, :lol:
Thanks for the laugh. #ChuckysChubster
I think The Onion News Network should make their version of this as well