Which AI-Setup (Software) to choose with nvidia GPU and Windows 10?


Oct 28, 2020
Hello Friends of AI and Video Surveillance.

Ive got a new Win10 PC with a nice nvidia GPU (RTX3070 if im right ^^).

I tried already to set up the new fork of the AITool (which is running fine already via Docker on my "old" PC). Unfortunately i couldnt get it running through docker and also the Windows-Version didnt work yet.
Before i am blasting some questions about how to get it running, i rather like to ask which setup might be the best regarding performance and stuff on my system.

Could somebody recommend the best setup (Deepstack Version, AI Tool Fork/Version ...) to run on a Windows 10 PC with Nvidia GPU? It should have a manual for Windows installation, too :) Might be Docker, but i really like to have some GUI / WebInterface if possible.

Thank you in advance
Do you needCUDA or cuDNN? cuDNN extracted to files with no instruction on where to put them and it still seems to work fine. Makes me wonder if I need CUDA either... cuDNN for10.1 doesn't appear to be downloadable.
