Which camera should I buy?


Aug 6, 2015
I have a webshop and sometimes need to verify what I have shipped and to who. I already have Vivotek IP8332 and FD8134 cameras but the images are not sharp enough to read the addresslabels.

Camera will be located about 160cm (5 feet) above the packing table. Features I would like the camera to have is manual focus and optical zoom. No need for IR illuminator, audio, ePTZ etc. Price max USD 500.

I do NOT want Chinese AliExpress cameras.

I use Synology Surveillance Station.

Suggestions are welcome :)
For this you will want a varifocal camera with high resolution.

Here are some options:

Hikvision 3MP, varifocal, $210: http://amzn.com/B00VSRA752

Dahua 5MP, varifocal, $390: http://amzn.com/B00NGJGEJ8

Another option, harder to find, is the Dahua IPC-HF81200E. It is a 12 megapixel box cam, though I do not think it comes with a lens and you could end up spending hundreds on a high quality lens for it.
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