WiFi works but not 4g on iVMS- 4500

Mark rider

Feb 26, 2017
Hi I have a Ds 7608 works fine at home
And also if I'm out and about on my phone using WiFi somewhere it's works fine but it never works when on 4g on phone
I connect via hik connect
I can't understand why

Any thoughts

Give it a try with a SIM card from a different company.

I have seen it happen with a given company that implemented some stupid/obscure security measures to "protect you as a customer".
Oh really that's odd lol. I'm with EE I try my other half she is with O2
If it works with WiFi no other set up is there for 4g ie port forwarding ?


So I can't get it to work at all out side my home network via the app
But if I log into my IP from a browser it port forwards to the NVR so it logs in that way but can't use it that way as no browsers seems to work as you need a plug in that doesn't work
So basically I can't see anything when I'm not at home

Any ideas

I was also having this problem.

1) Change the encrypted code that comes standard (
close qrcode)
2) Modify the encrypted code in hik connect also
3)restart Dvr
4) Re-read Qrcode with hik conection
5)When hik connect detects the DVR will appear the option of setting the DNS in blue (click on it, put port detection on the automatic and the password of your dvr)

I hope it works and I'm sorry for bad english