Will Dahua DH-XVR5116HS-I3 record IPC-HDW2431T-AS-S2 generated IVS/tripwire events?


Dec 8, 2014
Greetings all,

I have a client with a Dahua DH-XVR5116HS-I3 and 14 Dahua IPCs, five of which are IPC-HDW2431T-AS-S2.
SMD on the IPCs is working and the XVR is correctly recording the IPC generated SMD events, however as most of these IPCs are outdoors there are many false events. So I have tried to setup IVS on two of the IPCs, switching off SMD, activating the Smart Plan (orange bulb), defining the IVS rules, tripwire, direction, record and record schedule. In the XVR AI Parameters I have set AI Mode to IVS & SMD (all using IE 11). I have soft rebooted both XVR and IPC (several times) BUT there is no way that the XVR will record any of the IVS/tripwire events reported by the IPC.
None of the IPCs have SD cards.
If I look in the Event Center of SmartPSSlite I can see the tripwire events being recorded for my walk tests, so I believe the IVS tripwire function is working on the IPCs. But there is no way that I can get the XVR to record any of the camera generated IVS events (tripwire or intrusion).

Does anyone know if the Dahua DH-XVR5116HS-I3 is capable of recording IPC-HDW2431T-AS-S2 generated IVS/tripwire events?

My conclusion here is that they are not compatible (i.e. XVR is not supporting IPC generated IVS events), maybe I am missing something?

Any ideas?
Well I know my XVR 5108-I3 will not work in Ai mode if I enable Ip channels, I have plenty of NVRs no need but have tried to just test out features and functions and it disables Ai when I enable Ip. However in your DVR or clients DVR there is something that I don't understand what it means in the Datasheet. But it says. *After IP channels are added beyond the existing channels, the AI Function (IVS, SMD, FACE) will be disabled. So I don't know if they mean you can remove normal Analog and add in IP without adding in the 8ch IP and your DVR will still work in Ai mode or what but maybe try in normal IP mode without enabling more channels and remove ch16 and try to enable Ai using IVS in that..
About SMD, Yes the DVR/NVR and IP camera that supports SMD will record all motion events, When you setup for push or alerts you want to use the SMD function and pick if it will be Human or Vehicle, It will offer both so can have one or the other and both. where with IVS it is IVS and no option to pick if you only wanted human.. So if you wanted to setup IVS that way for alerts then could do Tripwire for human and intrusion for Vehicle but yeah.. Anyway then in the DVR rather then just going to play back it will work there too but easier to just go to Ai screen and do a search for the SMD and only the SMD events load.. In the DVR Playback or Search what ever the option is in your DVR bring up the day, Then click on the Vehicle and human you want and it will load changing from yellow to blue because it is Ai. However for me mine won't play like that so I have to click again unclick and then start playback, Then click on the human icon, it will ask for what type of playback you want in my case human, then it will bring up a grid and ask for you to pick the area you want it to playback from if you have your camera grid full screen and wanted to only see what was going on in the driveway then highlight the driveway and press the icon again, it will take a second or two while it searches and then starts playing back the SMD events in the area you picked..

Alot of people don't like it either because they don't understand the function or they just don't like the idea of full time motion events happening in an area like mine where it rain, snows and have very humid nights with loads of bugs.. So best to have IVS and turn off motion. But I do use it because it is very handy for my needs.. Again have it working in an older 5116, 7108-Ai and 5108-I3 in the cameras I can past the IVS that I setup on the main channels..
Thanks Revo2Maxx,

This XVR has 14 Dahua IPCs connected (a mix of IPC-HDW2431T-AS-S2, IPC-HFW2431T-ZS-S2, DH-IPC-HDW2441TM-S and DH-IPC-HFW3241E-S-S2 from different install phases). There are no analog channels. All firmware up to date.

In the XVR AI Parameters -> IVS settings it returns a prompt "No Connected Channels" (see jpg) for all IPCs.

In the XVR AI Parameters for SMD settings it says "The Config is Not Supported" for both IPC-HDW2431T-AS-S2, IPC-HFW2431T-ZS-S2.
For DH-IPC-HDW2441TM-S and DH-IPC-HFW3241E-S-S2 you can set the SMD parameters, and the XVR AI search for SMD is working for these two IPCs only.
Yet, the XVR is recording the IPC generated SMD events for all connected IPCs.

So it seems that there is a compatibility issue between some IPC models and the XVR even for SMD event processing.

The HDW2431T-AS-S2 supports Motion Detection while the newer HDW2441TM-S supports SMD Plus so this probably explains why the latter works with the XVR AI search.

So I tried setting up IVS tripwire on one of the HDW2441TM-S. Again the Tripwire event is recorded in the Event Center of SmartPSSlite but the XVR ignores it completely.

Clearly there are incompatibilities between this XVR and some IPCs and I think this XVR does not support/record IPC generated IVS events from these models of IPC, or perhaps from IP channels?

Best Regards,


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Don't know I just know that mine don't work in Ai at all with IP enabled being only on Ch8 meaning I didn't enable IP only changed the IP mode.. for channel 8 on my 8 ch 5108-I3.. What I do know is that from what the manual for your machine says if I am understanding it right. With the * is that only Analog channels will work with AI.

I reset my DVR back to factory and setup only 1 Ip on ch8 all Ai is working for my Analog and SMD I can do on only ch 1-7 8 is no longer on the option page.. Enable Ip channels from 9 to 16 and all Ai on the DVR on my device is removed in both SMD and IVS..

Your Client needs a Ai NVR and seeing they almost have 16ch already I would go with the 5232, I own the older one and own the old 4216E-Ai and newer 4216-E1 and while the older 4216E-Ai has better extra Ai ability for adding in 4 channels the newer one offers ANPR and only supports 2 ai add in channels over your Ai cameras..

XVR really wasn't designed for working with IP cameras as a whole. While I do tell people that I help with upgrading that getting the 5116 to replace an older model will give them the ability to add in IP channels and learn how to use IP camera while in transition into a new NVR system. But if they are going to leave Analog for IP only and or only have IP cameras then there is never any need for a XVR to start with..

full text of what the datasheet says.. "Up to 24 channels of IPC access 8 IP channels by default + 16 channels (analog channels are converted to IP channels)incoming bandwidth: 128 Mbps, recording bandwidth:128 Mbps and outgoing bandwidth: 128 Mbps*After IP channels are added beyond the existing channels, the AI Function (IVS, SMD, FACE) will be disabled."

Plus mine is an 8mp 8ch DVR.. so different even past that and still mine will not work with AI on IP channels..
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I agree. I think the XVR is the limitation here. I never understood why an XVR was installed in this case as it was all IP from the start.
Upgrading to the 5232 NVR would seem to be the best way to go, - need to look expansion plans for further IPCs.......
Agree, you’re fighting a losing battle with an analog recorder made for limited recorder AI features.

All low end “value” equipment strikes again