Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
I havn't been totally tuned into this one. But this whole narrative has been going on for maybe two months now. They are not letting up.

Is this because she is white and good at playing basket ball, or is she really a he LOL? WTF?



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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The Surprising Truth Behind Why Arabs Still Practiced Slavery | Thomas SowellTV

Join us in this deep dive into how the British Empire led the global charge to abolish slavery, not just within its own vast territories, but around the world. Discover the dramatic actions and international pressures exerted by the British Navy and government to end the inhumane practice of slavery in nations like Brazil, the Ottoman Empire, and beyond.

From the destruction of Brazilian slave ships in 1849 to the diplomatic pressures on the Ottoman Sultan, and the steadfast resolve against entrenched slave practices in Zanzibar and New Zealand, this video explores the relentless and often dangerous efforts made to stamp out slavery.

Learn how other Western powers, inspired by Britain's lead, joined the fight:



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
This bitch....she has some nerves, that's for sure. IDGAF about his flags... and even if he did fly one sideways...last I checked, we are still free to do so. Dumb kunt. MY GOD she really pisses me off!

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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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This guy deserves a standing fucking ovation!
Black Insurrectionist--I FOLLOW BACK TRUE PATRIOTS

I apologize, this tweet is going to be brutal and honest. Kenny, you are the biggest piece of trash race baiter on this entire platform. You want to talk about reparations? Fine, let's talk about reparations.
1.) First of all, white people did not enslave us, our own people enslaved us and sold us off to all kinds of people of color, not just white people.
2.) 500,000 men died in the civil war setting our asses free. That is your reparation.
3.) Perhaps we should pay white people reparations, after all, we are 12 percent of the population, and we commit 50 percent of the crime. White people pay taxes to pay the lazy brothers and sisters on welfare.
4) We have had the benefit of affirmative action and have we have grants and free education, does our people take advantage of that? No, they bitch and moan and want the checks.
5.) Slavery enabled our people to come to America and be part of the greatest country ever to exist. Yet, that is not enough. I don't know about you Kenny, but my black ass is happy I am here and not in Africa.
6.) The honest truth is Kenny, our people are lazy. Most of our people either DEAL OR STEAL.
7.) You want to close the gap, Kenny? No, you are a narcissistic asshole who gets off on white people filling your feed up and kissing your ass like you are the second coming of MLK.
8.) To all the white people who follow and worship this asshole: What are you thinking? This man hates you. He is not a leader, he is in fact, a racist. Yes, racism is alive, but not the old school racism you are thinking off, it is new school anti-white racism. Yes, I said it and it is true. DEI, BLM, CRT and other bullshit has caused a backlash against white people. You keep this type of racism alive and well.
9.) So, Kenny, here is the deal, I will pay for your ticket back to Africa and will give you 15k to start your life over. 15k goes a long way in Africa. All you have to do is renounce your citizenship and leave. For me, getting rid of one race baiter at a time is worth it.
10.) Can some of my white brothers and sisters tell me why in the hell so many white people follow this man and worship him? What the hell are they thinking? I am not afraid to be black. You should not be afraid to be white. You don't owe me shit. I will not ask for reparations, if reparations were to be paid tomorrow, I would donate the money. This bullshit needs to stop.
11.) But you are right about one thing Kenny. Slavery still exists. Yes, it does. You see, 60 years ago, after years of trying to lynch us to get us out of the country, the democrats came up with a brilliant plan, they could buy us on the cheap and keep us voting for them for years to come. LBJ, a democratic President who hated black people and killed every civil rights bill that came up during his time in Congress, proposed a civil rights bill that was passed only because of republicans, not democrats. He was a racist, piece of shit President who hates black people but was smart enough to BUY VOTES. Does that not sound familiar?? I can think of another modern-day racist piece of shit president who buys votes. 60 years ago, they passed all the low-income programs to keep us reliant and on their plantation. That's right Kenny, the democrats enslaved us 60 years ago.
12.) So, now that Trump is doing well with Black support, what does this piece of trash president do? He imports illegals as his new generation of slaves. He forgives student loans to buy the votes of people. He supports illegals and puts them up in 5-star hotels and feeds them. They live like kings. Vets are killing themselves and suffer such PTSD that they cannot function, but they are not a huge voting bloc, so, the hell with them. That is what this president does. That is what this democratic party does. They are the 21st century slave owners.
13.) So, Kenny, after 60 years of white people paying for welfare, affirmative action and other low-income programs designed to help minorities along with now having their taxes pay for illegals to live like kings, you want to ask for reparations?? Shove it up your ass Kenny.
14.) In conclusion Kenny, do you know what BLM really means??? Biden Loves Minors and Democrats are in fact, slave owners of the 21st century.


Kenny Akers
Why aren’t white people anxiously waiting to get on board for reparations for Black people? How else do we close the financial and everything else gap between Black people and whites? Are there any other ways besides cutting a check?


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Kenny Akers
Why aren’t white people anxiously waiting to get on board for reparations for Black people? How else do we close the financial and everything else gap between Black people and whites? Are there any other ways besides cutting a check?
Yeah, here's Kenny's little intro:

"I'm just an ordinary guy teaching excellence. Veteran, Public Speaker, Author, and Founder of the Academy for Anti-Racism & Social Change."

Here ya go, Kenny..I fixed it for ya:

"I'm just an ordinary guy teaching excellence extraordinary asshole spouting hated and bullshit. Veteran, Public Speaker, Author, and Founder of the Academy for Anti-Racism Pro-Racism & Social Change Hatred."

:headbang: :mad: