Need to replace entire system for LPR and overview

May 1, 2019
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Reno, NV
What is the....issue you are having locally around your house for LPR and facial ID needs?


Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
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I have worked in semi professional photography, so I understand what will happen at night. The bigger hurdle for me is the video aspect and the link to NVR or BI. I will start working on BI tomorrow to get ready for the cameras to arrive.

Your night shot is promising to me. If I can get stills like that, it will solve my problems. I don't anticipate capturing vehicle occupants at night for obvious reasons, but I absolutely need them in daylight hours. I don't yet know my effective hours based on sunlight and window reflections, but I have already captured many good occupant images.

I'd be happy to post some results from HDview. A big issue I have with it though, is that both bullets have a significant lens defect. They both have areas of the lens that are blurry at long range. Zoomed out might be better, but I am working on the linger end of the 50mm. The HDview domes were better, but they both have a glitch when viewing them on the main stream that affects the image. I have spent over 5 hours on phone support to try and resolve my issues. And the bullet cameras glitch on the config menu when using more than a 50ft premade BNV cable. While their support has been very patient, they haven't been able to resolve my issues. So I can't recommend HDview at all. One of my bullet cameras also arrived damaged. Upon inspection. The mechanics of then zoom and focus screws are just not impressive. They use a blade shaped screw into a valley shaped post that gives a lot of play and makes fine adjustment almost impossible. I'll post some images soon.
May 1, 2019
Reaction score
Reno, NV
I have worked in semi professional photography, so I understand what will happen at night. The bigger hurdle for me is the video aspect and the link to NVR or BI. I will start working on BI tomorrow to get ready for the cameras to arrive.

Your night shot is promising to me. If I can get stills like that, it will solve my problems. I don't anticipate capturing vehicle occupants at night for obvious reasons, but I absolutely need them in daylight hours. I don't yet know my effective hours based on sunlight and window reflections, but I have already captured many good occupant images.

I'd be happy to post some results from HDview. A big issue I have with it though, is that both bullets have a significant lens defect. They both have areas of the lens that are blurry at long range. Zoomed out might be better, but I am working on the linger end of the 50mm. The HDview domes were better, but they both have a glitch when viewing them on the main stream that affects the image. I have spent over 5 hours on phone support to try and resolve my issues. And the bullet cameras glitch on the config menu when using more than a 50ft premade BNV cable. While their support has been very patient, they haven't been able to resolve my issues. So I can't recommend HDview at all. One of my bullet cameras also arrived damaged. Upon inspection. The mechanics of then zoom and focus screws are just not impressive. They use a blade shaped screw into a valley shaped post that gives a lot of play and makes fine adjustment almost impossible. I'll post some images soon.
Once you get all dialed in with cameras & Blue Iris... come on back and make suggestions about night time settings. Always good to hear do's & don'ts that no one thought of yet.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
Reaction score
What is the....issue you are having locally around your house for LPR and facial ID needs?
LPR is more important that facial recog. I just wanted to have facial recog as an option if I was going to spend more money on something new. It's not a local issue, but more of a... proof of concept, if you will. In reasonable time, I will likely be starting a new thread here to share some details about the project.
May 1, 2019
Reaction score
Reno, NV
I had to learn the hard fast way to have cameras work at night for facial ID purposes. Re-occuring tire slashing makes one learn really fast.
I still have to slap in my LPR camera. #34 on my to do list.


Known around here
May 17, 2017
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LPR is more important that facial recog. I just wanted to have facial recog as an option if I was going to spend more money on something new. It's not a local issue, but more of a... proof of concept, if you will. In reasonable time, I will likely be starting a new thread here to share some details about the project.
With my HFW5241E-Z12E at maximum zoom, and when vehicles curve around the street and are facing the camera at about 130 ft., I can peer into the vehicles on video playback and can see basic characteristics, albeit only when the lighting is right.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
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Cameras arrived today. Got one Z12E installed today for the LPR zone. I also got the 2 T5442T-ZE domes installed.
Blue Iris is up and running, but I have a few snags.

1) CPU demand is much higher than expected. I have learned a few ways to help that, but haven't had time to do it yet. I have a Kaby Lake, maybe it's time to upgrade.
2) I can't get the RTSP link to work with OpenALPR. I change the Z12E to h264 and can see the stream in VLC at this link,
but when I try to add it to Rekor, I get "Error requesting profiles. Failed to receive data from device (-8). I am considering switching to PLate Recognizer, but the features of OpenALPR work better for me right now. Any ideas on that RTSP issue?


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Do EVERY optimization in the wiki and you will see a major drop in the CPU. Substreams are a must, especially once you get over 4MP cameras. Direct to Disk is a must as well.

A member here runs 50 cameras on a 4th generation CPU at 30%, so I am sure for 3 cameras on a 7th generation you will be fine.

And by EVERY, I mean EVERY. Too many people come here complaining of high CPU usage and claim they have done every optimization in the wiki and once they post screenshots, we see they are not using the substreams and that is probably one of the biggest CPU savers. Do not skip one because you think it isn't important or won't make that big of a deal. Even dropping frame rate a few FPS can make a big difference. No reason to run more than 15FPS, and many us have cams running at 10 to 12 FPS. Movies for the big screen are shot at 24FPS, so I do not think we need 30FPS for these cameras LOL. The goal is to get a clean image, not smooth motion.

If you do not understand what something does in BI, then ask. Too many people also change a setting not realizing what it does and actually makes their performance worse. Your statement "I have learned a few ways to help that" has me concerned LOL as there are settings one can change to bring CPU down initially, but it will explode later.

Please post a screenshot of your BI camera status page that shows FPS, MP/s, etc.

I am on a 4th generation running way more cameras than you with BI and OpenALPR and Plate Recognizer and DS and I sip along around 10% CPU. That is sending two 2MP streams to OpenALPR at 10FPS and catch everything with vehicles going by around 45mph.

For Rekor, you need to select Manual IP camera and then your RTSP stream is missing a / - there needs to be two.

Make sure that you are H264 without any other letters or the codec on. Match FPS and iframes.

rtsp:/ /user:

And there isn't a space between : and password or between the two / but if I put them together it gets this LOL :password

You need to type that in, wait a moment, then hit test. You may need to hit test two or three times before Rekor finds it.

If it still doesn't like it, then make sure user and password are correct and that they do not contain any special characters.

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Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
Reaction score
I just barely started learning BI today, so I don't yet "know" anything, really. I will follow the wiki. What I learned was several things such as what you suggested, sub streams and frame rates. My system is up and running, but it isn't where I want it to be yet. It's just a baby. But I NEED it to be useful starting tomorrow.

I tried rekor again. My link doesn't have one slash, the forum took it out. Nor do I have a space, that was a typo when removing my password before posting. But rekor still doesn't like my link. What connection strategy are you using? It defaults to generic, but I tried more than that and it just won't work. It's after midnight, so I'm not thinking clearly, but... could it be that I didn't get a good connection on a rj45 connector? But I get full control of the camera via browser client and BI, so I assume not. Just throwing it out there because I'm tired.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
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If it still doesn't like it, then make sure user and password are correct and that they do not contain any special characters.

Wait, no special characters? Even !@#$%^&*()
I have one of those in my password. Is that my issue?


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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OK, just wanted to send you down the right path with BI.

Go into Rekor and make sure that under Configure then Data Destinations that you have selected "Scout Cloud". I doubt you went thru the other options or are paying to get anything other than Scout Cloud.

Then go back and select Add camera.

For camera type select IP camera Manual and then copy/paste the RTSP in and hit Test. Mine came in as generic, but it does take a couple of moments before it works. I had to hit Test a couple of times.

Yes, Rekor is more sensitive to having a proper connection and power.

Recently BI was showing my LPR cam feed properly, yet Rekor was showing a grey screen at night and the FPS was jumping all over the place in Rekor, yet it showed a constant FPS in BI.

Then I remembered that I had recently cleaned up my install and on the POE switch I ended up having two many cameras using IR at night on the same switch (IR takes more wattage) and I was approaching the total budget for the POE.

BI was ok with it, but Rekor wasn't. As soon as I changed power supplies, Rekor was fine again.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Wait, no special characters? Even !@#$%^&*()
I have one of those in my password. Is that my issue?
Yes, that could be as well - I had a special character initially and it didn't like it and when I changed it, it worked.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
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Actually I am running scout commercial. But I am still using cloud, only running commercial for vehicle make and model and direction of travel info.

I will try changin passord now and see if that helps. Then, I'll check what you just posted now. I'll be right back with results.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
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Since it's so late, I'm calling it a night. Thank you for the quick response. I would have given up shortly here. Now it's up and running and I can sleep well. I'm not configured anywhere near well yet, but at least i have what I need for tomorrow morning. Thank you so much, beer is on me, but you have to come over so I can prove I have friends.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 3, 2021
Reaction score
I was thinking I need to start another thread. But I'm also wondering if there is a possibility that I may have the wrong camera for the job, so I figured I'd continue here. I haven't asked Andy yet, but since he's on this thread, maybe he'll see this anyway.

I got openalpr running just fine thanks to the help from @wittaj. It's been running perfectly. Only thing I still need to do is set up day/night profiles. I've been switching it in the morning manually every day back to color, no clue why I keep doing that instead of setting profiles. It works great at night, so that all good, though I am more concerned with daytime anyway. The issue I have now is with my two T5442T-ZE's. Compared to my old HDview cameras, I am getting terrible video. I think it's most likely my settings on the camera or in BI. But is it possibly just that I am asking too much of the cameras? I really think it's me, because I barely know what I'm doing with BI yet.

Here's a screenshot of my old camera and the new T5442T-ZE in the same position. Hour of day might not be the same, but it shouldn't be affecting it that badly. I don't know if it is an aperture difference and my field of focus is too small, or if it the encoding or what. Obviously my old camera had a longer focal length, as you can see from the images, but I was hoping I would get much better results on the street with this camera. Actually, now that I look again, maybe it wasn't much longer. I just thought it was because I felt I could see so much clearer on those. Not sure where to start.

