IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS latest new firmware IPC-HX5XXX-Volt_MultiLang_PN_Stream3_V2.800.0000000.20.R.200903


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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Then make a factory default on the camera, there is no report about the IVS fail for this fw.
Try to use IE.


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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Oh, maybe this is a bug for mac, i will ask some other guy to check this. You can roll back to the old fw.


Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2019
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Oh, maybe this is a bug for mac, i will ask some other guy to check this. You can roll back to the old fw.
I just tried it on windows 10, microsoft edge browser and same issue... i tried on internet explorer on same computer and no issues.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
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I just posted this in the SMD 3.0 thread but as it relates to Volt Chipset FW and a number of people in this thread were mentioning 05-06 (latest test FW), I thought I would cross post here too in case people are interested.



I believe I’ve cracked the issue with SmartIR and also believe this may have ramifications across the SmartIR FW’s for many Dahua cams as this is at code level and relating to algorithms / logic processing by this feature in certain situations and configurations.​
I wanted to finally get to the bottom of it especially since 05-06 exhibits the same issues reported before. So, I decided to sink some (ok a lot of) time into testing this thoroughly. How thoroughly ? Well using multiple cams setup through various NLE’s (FCP and an AVID Artist DnxHR + an IQ) with an in-between set of monitors, namely 4K Sony Tri-Masters so I could look at every function of the camera from resolution based changes affecting image to monitoring even the slightest change in output scopes (Tri-Masters have built in waveform monitoring and using the NLE’s for a secondary view to trap). I monitored outputs from the cams into the Tri-Masters and then through NLE’s out to Tri-Masters. I also threw a couple of Atomos Shoguns in the mix for an extra layer of replication testing. I wanted to be able to see what if anything was changing when SmartIR was used vs other functions that would then allow me to pinpoint where to look from a codebase perspective.​
The outcome of all this work is that I believe I now know what is happening with these Dahua FW’s and SmartIR. I absolutely have uncovered 2 bugs and while I believe 1 of them (Bug #1) may be fixed in later HW (due to the way FW code addresses it, but will be testing this later this week) that there are still situations and combinations that will cause this issue to return (therefore needs fixing). On the 2nd bug (Bug #2), this appears more deep rooted in code and definitely goes back further. This doesn’t look like its ever been addressed and therefore has wider implications to the SmartIR feature on cams WHEN used with other functions. I even tested on 11-23 to see how prevalent this was and guess what…….the issue was present.​
I do hope you’ll take time to watch the video, its detailed (primarily so Dahua should have everything it needs) but is timestamped and I hope it helps all understand the issues here. So lets jump into the video then pick back up with summary below:​

Video Link (Uploaded In Native Res. So Choose 1440p in YT)

Ok You’re Back (or maybe you didn’t leave), Lets Get To The Summary

2 bugs found in this testing and both are in FW code, i.e. need to be fixed by Dahua engineers:
  • Bug #1 - HLC seemingly enabled under the hood in 05/06 FW. Doesn’t show in GUI as enabled but testing and scope work shows that it appears to be the case

  • Bug #2 - Backlight programs and SmartIR do not work correctly in conjunction with each other in the current SmartIR implementation. Backlight program takes precedent when both are being used and SmartIR algorithms / logic are not processing the image. This leads to incorrect or non existent reading of FOV which in turn means no adjustments are made to IR strength, exposure range, exposure compensation and therefore leads to IR washout of targets.

I’ve included a few output scope caps here for you as well so you can see the bloom I noticed in 05-06 vs 11-23 straight after upgrade and led me on the path to test :). Its worth pointing out (as hopefully you’ll see from the comparison caps below) that 11-23 still handles SmartIR slightly better than 05-06 when only SmartIR is used BUT of course this is somewhat beside the point because there are other issues at hand.

Scope Comparisons

Front Facing Comparison
Straight After Upgrade - SmartIR Only, No backlight Programs (however in the case of 05-06, none showing but testing shows different story)
20-11-23 (Left) vs 21-05-06 (Right)

Side Comparison
Straight After Upgrade - SmartIR Only, No backlight Programs (however in the case of 05-06, none showing but again testing shows different story)
20-11-23 (Left) vs 21-05-06 (Right)

Front Facing Comparison
SmartIR Only (05-06 FW with HLC = OFF)
20-11-23 (Left) vs 21-05-06 (Right)

Side Facing 05-06 with SmartIR and HLC = On

How To Fix - Dahua

  • Bug #1 - Appears limited to 05/06 FW and may be tied to how this FW addresses older HW revision (will be testing on new HW revs soon)

  • Bug #2 - This is an issue with SmartIR algorithms and how SmartIR works when Backlight programs are enabled. This is a wider, more deep rooted issue in codebases. This needs to be reviewed and algorithms / logic re-written to ensure that regardless of program, the camera assesses IR needs in FOV (using SmartIR) and adjusts for targets FIRST, BEFORE a Backlight program is assessed. Then have the algorithm work in conjunction with the Backlight program to apply 1 or both logic values (or ideally a balance of them) to ensure that no part of the scene, whether lit with visible or non-visible light is washed out / over exposed

How To Fix - End User - Bug #2

So how can you mitigate as an end user in the interim ? Well a couple of ways:
  1. Don’t use Backlight programs with SmartIR currently ;) (I know not really an option but I had to list for completeness)
  2. If you do have a need to use both (which is certainly understandable and to be honest I recommend both in a number of situations) then you can use Exposure Compensation set to around 12 - 14 to ensure some manual compensation occurs for now. Just understand this will darken your overall image. I also want to be clear, this is not the fix I believe Dahua should use as it really is just compensating for algorithms not working and SmartIR not processing the scene BUT this is an option for end users until a fix comes

I know that was a lot to digest in the video but hopefully makes sense for all here and you found it useful.

@EMPIRETECANDY, lets you and I ensure Dahua is able to review this newer video too and is able to start working on fixing.

Equipment Used For Testing (for those interested)
  • IPC-T5442T-ZE Vari Turret
  • IPC-B5442E-ZE Bullet Cam
  • IPC-HFW5241E-Z12E (issue with targets up close but distanced targets such as in LPR are ok due to IR fall off etc as expected) - Still an issue but depending on use may not see it as I state here
  • 3 x Dahua PTZ’s
  • Sony Tri Master PVM2400’s
  • Atomos Shogun
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Avid DnxHR + DnxIQ
  • Crap ton of cables and adapters


Young grasshopper
Apr 9, 2020
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In other firmware news, has Dahua fixed the sunrise/sunset profile features so they work reliably? Or are folks still using the sunrise/sunset utility? This may be more suited to an LPR thread, but I thought the firmware experts might know if any changes have been made in that area.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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In other firmware news, has Dahua fixed the sunrise/sunset profile features so they work reliably? Or are folks still using the sunrise/sunset utility? This may be more suited to an LPR thread, but I thought the firmware experts might know if any changes have been made in that area.
Nope the firmware for sunrise sunset still sucks LOL and we still use the utility.


Pulling my weight
Feb 11, 2020
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Nope the firmware for sunrise sunset still sucks LOL and we still use the utility.
I would expect any system that knows your location and connected to the internet to use it in order to know the exact time of sunset and sunrise each day of the year.
I'm not even talking about the light the cam gets. I know that some uses strong light during the night but the option to choose changing day/night according to the actual day/night is missing.

The Automation Guy

Known around here
Feb 7, 2019
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In other firmware news, has Dahua fixed the sunrise/sunset profile features so they work reliably? Or are folks still using the sunrise/sunset utility? This may be more suited to an LPR thread, but I thought the firmware experts might know if any changes have been made in that area.
Honestly I have been using the built in day/night functionality in my 5442 cameras since I installed them a month or two ago. I have not had any problems. I'm sure the stand alone utility would give more exact results, but I've never noticed my cameras being "out of sync" with what I would expect the mode to be. Honestly I expected to have to use the utility, but since it hasn't been a problem yet, I haven't made the effort to install it.


Known around here
May 6, 2018
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Honestly I have been using the built in day/night functionality in my 5442 cameras since I installed them a month or two ago. I have not had any problems. I'm sure the stand alone utility would give more exact results, but I've never noticed my cameras being "out of sync" with what I would expect the mode to be. Honestly I expected to have to use the utility, but since it hasn't been a problem yet, I haven't made the effort to install it.
Are all your exposure settings from the factory still set to "Auto"?


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2015
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Honestly I have been using the built in day/night functionality in my 5442 cameras since I installed them a month or two ago. I have not had any problems. I'm sure the stand alone utility would give more exact results, but I've never noticed my cameras being "out of sync" with what I would expect the mode to be. Honestly I expected to have to use the utility, but since it hasn't been a problem yet, I haven't made the effort to install it.
The same here, never had trouble with the day/night functionality in my 5442. I have had my 5442 for over a year, and it never caused me any problems.


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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Jan 16, 2022
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I'm trying to get my head wrapped around some of the subtle differences between a few cameras.
  1. Are there any significant differences between IPC-T5442TM-AS (2.8mm, 3.6mm, or 6mm fixed, $155) and IPC-T5442T-ZE (2.7mm to 12mm varifocal, $190) other one is a varifocal and the other isn't?
  2. Are there any significant differences between IPC-T5442TM-AS (2.8mm, 3.6mm, or 6mm fixed, $155) and IPC-T2431T-AS (2.8mm or 3.6mm, $80)? Guessing the former is a newer model but trying to understand why it's almost double the price
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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I'm trying to get my head wrapped around some of the subtle differences between a few cameras.
  1. Are there any significant differences between IPC-T5442TM-AS (2.8mm, 3.6mm, or 6mm fixed, $155) and IPC-T5442T-ZE (2.7mm to 12mm varifocal, $190) other one is a varifocal and the other isn't?
  2. Are there any significant differences between IPC-T5442TM-AS (2.8mm, 3.6mm, or 6mm fixed, $155) and IPC-T2431T-AS (2.8mm or 3.6mm, $80)? Guessing the former is a newer model but trying to understand why it's almost double the price
Yes big differences.

Item #1 - You are correct, the AS is a fixed cam and the ZE is a varifocal. Most will opt for the varifocal for flexibility in dialing in the right field of view. Unless you know for sure which fixed cam to go with, go with the varifocal. Most people go with the fixed cam option and then try to do too much with the camera (why can't I IDENTIFY at 40 feet out with my 2.8mm fixed cam - wrong cam for that distance. The varifocal gives you the opportunity to optimize the location for the distance one wants to cover).

Item #2 - the T2431 is a budget cam for people chasing MP over quality. That is on a 1/3" sensor (compared to a 1/1.8" sensor of the 4MP) and a 2MP will kick its butt all night long. If you are looking to save cost, the 2MP version on the 1/2.8" sensor would be the better bet. Big difference in night time quality between the 5442 and 2431.
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