Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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The recent times where our options for everything from dining to recreation to simply having a good crap without fear of running out of TP reminds me of this quote from The Handmaid's Tale:

"There is more than one kind of freedom. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don’t underrate it. "


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY

He believes his own rhetoric, in absence of data to support it:

Anybody got polling on a Biden-Pence matchup this fall?

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As if you needed more proof that he is an ass. If he is taking it he is not only an ass but a fool to boot. If he isn't taking it (do you really believe what this dbag says?) then he is not only an ass but an asshole as he will convince some of his faithful to take it also.

With so much promising news coming out now on the vaccine front one might hope he would abandon his bullshit worship and stress the medically positive info. Who really gives a crap about who gets 'credit' for all good things that happen. I'll gladly sing his praises if he provides the resources to find a cure/vaccine.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
The recent times where our options for everything from dining to recreation to simply having a good crap without fear of running out of TP reminds me of this quote from The Handmaid's Tale:

"There is more than one kind of freedom. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don’t underrate it. "
Better than the Handmaids Tale of leftist feminism. Read Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America by Mary Grabar


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Pandemic propaganda wars: youtube automatically deletes some terms which are used to criticize the CCP reported by Epoch Times

Gongfei - "Communist Bandit" ( Communist bandit (Chinese: 共匪; pinyin: gòngfěi) )
Wumao - "50 cents"

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IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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Pandemic propaganda wars: youtube automatically deletes some terms which are used to criticize the CCP reported by Epoch Times

Gongfei - "Communist Bandit" ( Communist bandit (Chinese: 共匪; pinyin: gòngfěi) )
Wumao - "50 cents"

Those 50cents are very shit, but right now the price is increased to 70cents, we called 7毛。lol


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Those 50cents are very shit, but right now the price is increased to 70cents, we called 7毛。lol
Hi Andy,

Always good to hear from you.

You take good care of yourself and family. A little vitamin-D each day helps from the medical reports I have seen. ( MedCram, Dr John Campbell on youtube )


Getting comfortable
Oct 24, 2017
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I visit this thread once in a while to see the latest Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) posts. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Quinine, in some form or another, have been around for many years and millions have taken the drug. Yet TV personalities and TV doctors say it dangerous. You can pick up most any drug and there are potential side effects, some that could be fatal. That is why you discuss it with your doctor and decide based on your own health.

Like any health condition, one drug may not help, while a different drug for the same condition does help; everyone is different. While one person that is taking quinine helps, it may not help someone else.

I wonder why so many doctors on the front line are taking things like quinine, zinc, vitamin C & D, quercetin, n-acetyl-l-cystenie, etc.

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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I saw several encouraging things yesterday.

The people who re-tested positive for the antigen in Korea, after having recovered, have been found to NOT be infectious. It turns out that the PCR tests "see" non-viable virus fragments, so those re-infection or relapse worries are overblown or totally moot. It is very likely that you do become immune after recovery. And that is great news.

CDC has slightly revised their advice as it seems to be less likely than originally thought, that you can catch this from contact with exposed surfaces. They're no longer saying that you need to disinfect grocery or other packaging (but I still will for things I take to my mom who is immunocompromised due to chemo for her cancer).

You should still be careful not to touch your face, and to wash your hands (or use sanitizer when you can't wash). It is possible to be exposed through touching of contaminated surfaces, but that is not the usual route of infection. It is close contact with someone such that you inhale droplets expelled by them, which contain the virus particles, that is now believed to be the predominant means of infection.

That means that even cloth masks help by catching the majority of exhaled droplets in which a lot of the viri are contained. They're not perfect, but they help a lot.

Third, an interview I saw with a doctor whose company runs a number of major US hospitals said they are learning more and more about how to successfully treat patients with severe cases. The mortality rate for those with serious cases (people on ventilators) has dropped from 50% to 25%. Hospital stays are shorter, etc. So as this goes on, outcomes are improving.

Finally, I saw several reports of hospitals using gadgets that introduce nitric oxide along with oxygen being given to patients, and that seems to have an excellent effect, often eliminating the need for any sort of ventilator, and shortening the number of days oxygen is needed.

So it seems that treatment is getting better and so are outcomes.

One thing I personally see that bugs me is a lot of folks wearing masks with the one-way valves. Those are respirators meant to protect the wearer only. The valve allows your exhaled breath to bypass the "filter", so they won't provide any protection, from you, for others.

We wear similar (but better) respirator masks at work when mixing various chemicals (to stop dust inhalation) and to stop vapors from oxidizers, solvents, etc. They have the one way valves to let your humid breath out, bypassing the filters to keep the filters dry and in good operating shape.

I see too many people wearing the simpler masks, but with the valves in them. These should be discouraged because they defeat half of the purpose of wearing masks. I'd rather be around people wearing bandannas over their faces than people wearing the semi-fancy masks with the valves.

People are so illogical and ignorant of anything even remotely techical. I blame the schools! ;)


Getting the hang of it
Jun 24, 2019
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One thing I personally see that bugs me is a lot of folks wearing masks with the one-way valves. Those are respirators meant to protect the wearer only. The valve allows your exhaled breath to bypass the "filter", so they won't provide any protection, from you, for others.
You would think the valves only let a little out and not shoot it out some distance. Like no mask for instance. I would of thought about the same as a home made cloth mask that some would be expelled through it too?

I don't know how these masks are made but is there some sort of material/filter on the valve too but breathable? So if you cough, it does not shoot out some distance?
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