Question about brands


Young grasshopper
Dec 12, 2017
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New guy here, looking to possibly get a new camera system. In the lower cost arena, is Revo a decent brand? I realize you get what you pay for, but I'm looking at around $1500 for 10-12 cameras. Currently using a Samsung bnc system with 1080p bullet cameras and it actually works pretty well, but I want better fidelity next time around. Thanks

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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New guy here, looking to possibly get a new camera system. In the lower cost arena, is Revo a decent brand? I realize you get what you pay for, but I'm looking at around $1500 for 10-12 cameras. Currently using a Samsung bnc system with 1080p bullet cameras and it actually works pretty well, but I want better fidelity next time around. Thanks

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Welcome Vette kid,

I found revo sunglasses, revo turbo chargers,.... perhaps a link to the company and product would be useful.

Does $1500 include an NVR? or is that just for the cameras?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I know nothing about that brand, and in fact I know less about security than most of the people around here, but it looks like that brand is sold at Home Depot and Walmart so I'm gonna take a wild guess and in my best @fenderman voice say...

"It's crap!"
lol... tears in my eyes...

wondering if these are rebranded Hikvision.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Something like this. ..

Ultra HD 16 Ch. 3TB NVR Surveillance Camera System with 8 4MP Security Cameras

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Hi Vette-kid,

I don't know their products well - this is actually the first time I have heard of them, and looking at the camera casing - while it can help determine the OEM, OEMs often have many versions of cameras in the same casing.

So, it can be challenging to determine without more information of the internal guts of a camera what the value proposition is.

During my search for a solution I looked at a lot of options - and it got to be very confusing - in the end I decided to go with what others here had good experiences with and which seemed the best for my needs at the time ( low light situations ).

I suspect you may want to review what your functional needs are, as if you are like me when I came here - I thought security cameras where much more effective in IDing suspects than they really are. ( thanks largely to Hollywood completely distorting reality )

Recommend taking some time to determine what you want your security camera system to do.

Good items to review:
What do you want to accomplish with a security camera system?
  • Is the day time more of a threat? or night time? If night time look at the starlight models referenced here, if day time the 4K cameras work well. If a combination get both starlights and consider good 4K cameras.
  • See what happened?
  • Potentially ID suspects? Locate cameras less than 8 feet high and close enough to get a potential ID'able facial image. ( please see the ID distance list )
  • Help deter criminal activities? Mount your cameras in obvious locations.
  • Keep an eye on your car parked in your drive way? in the street?
  • Potentially ID cars which suspects maybe using?
  • Watch of other activities, wild animals, your dogs, your cats, birds,..
  • License plate captures? For successful license plate captures you may need to dedicate a camera to it as it requires camera tuning adjustments which makes the overall picture darker.
  • While you are thinking about these issues, you will need to look at potential camera installation locations and measure the distance to the potential suspect and determine if you are within the ID distance. You may need a camera with a better "zoom".

I've been taking a number of notes which you may find useful, as have giomania which you may want to check out, it will give you some useful pointers to what we have learned from those who have been sharing their experience and knowledge here.

It's easy to get swamped with information here, so I wanted to share some notes with you

Please check out @giomania 's notes:
Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

I have also made notes which are a summary of a lot of the reading I've been doing here,:
Looking for some advice and direction!

Have fun joining us here.


Young grasshopper
Dec 12, 2017
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Thanks for the info. I'm aware Hollywood has skewed public understanding of reality. My current camera system certainly falls short of facial recognition. For my purpose, the system really isn't too bad. Just a little grainy at distance and the frame rate isn't great. But you can determine activity and general description of individuals. It's a Samsung BNC system with cameras advertised as 1080. Can't find it online anymore, it's a few years old now.

I'm looking for something a little better all around but not necessarily looking for movie quality here.

I started with some reading here and most threads quickly seem to go down rabbit hole of tech specs abs geekary that dont do me much good. Not everyone needs a top of the line system nor has the time to digest all of the details of camera technicalities. Although I understand some knowledge may be necessary to piece together an effective system and I'm willing to do that.

I'll take a look at the links you provided. Thanks.

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Thanks for the info. I'm aware Hollywood has skewed public understanding of reality. My current camera system certainly falls short of facial recognition. For my purpose, the system really isn't too bad. Just a little grainy at distance and the frame rate isn't great. But you can determine activity and general description of individuals. It's a Samsung BNC system with cameras advertised as 1080. Can't find it online anymore, it's a few years old now.

I'm looking for something a little better all around but not necessarily looking for movie quality here.

I started with some reading here and most threads quickly seem to go down rabbit hole of tech specs abs geekary that dont do me much good. Not everyone needs a top of the line system nor has the time to digest all of the details of camera technicalities. Although I understand some knowledge may be necessary to piece together an effective system and I'm willing to do that.

I'll take a look at the links you provided. Thanks.

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Hi Vette,

If you set up and invested good quality BNC cabling and mounted them in the locations which work well for you it maybe worth looking at getting better HDCVI cameras and DVR.
( of course, if the cabling is the cheap kind, it maybe better to redo with better quality Cat6 )

FYI - from my notes at another forum

Q: Why avoid 720p? It's a security camera not a TV.
A: It is actually reversed. Higher resolution is more important with security cameras than TVs / Movie screens.
Why? Because the TV / Movie producers are hiring camera men to focus, zoom in and out, and follow the action which is important to follow. So each frame is correctly positioned to capture what is important.
For security cameras, most of us can not afford to hire someone to be the camera man, and the "actors" are not following the script and staying within the frame / FOV and close enough to our cameras, and certainly not looking at the camera often enough like actors are told to. Thus we need more resolution for security cameras than TV / Movie screens.