Blue Iris Updates (64 bit)

Blue Iris Updates (64 bit)

Shutdown/startup fixes.
Video component updates.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Intel decoding updates.
Video component updates.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Intel decoding updates.
Video component updates.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Intel decoding updates.
Video component updates.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Flood fill tool for mask edit window.
Assign sources and zones to action set actions.
Wait action updates.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Assign sources and zones to action set actions.
Wait action updates.
Pause auto-cycle.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Assign sources and zones to action set actions.
Wait action updates.
Pause auto-cycle.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Revised web server sockets.
Revised camera streaming sockets.
UI3 browser update.
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.