

Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
They think they own the world, eh?

It was some kind of "children playing" cone so I imagine they stole it from in front of someone's house. I set it in plain sight at the intersection the next morning, and within 30 minutes someone (adult) found it and carried it off on foot.
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First thread I click on 20 minutes after some kids put this on my car after it was (perfectly) parked at a cafe in town

BP - What camera are you using for this shot? I'm sure you've been asked a million times so sorry about that. Looks nice.
Reminds me of the reason I got cameras. Came home one afternoon and I found footprints in the snow leading up to the back porch where they looked in. We had just moved in - someone probably noticed the sign in the yard the agent hadn't removed yet and didn't realize someone was living there, but it still made me uneasy.

So yeah, if you didn't have cams, you'd find that cone and say to yourself, WTF?
I always had a fascination with being able to see a place without being there. IP cameras are my super power.

Luckily the only interesting things I've recorded are animals and minor mischief. And not very much of the mischief. A car hitting my dumpster at the side of the road near midnight, scattering trash across the front lawn. Kids knocking on the bathroom window after 10pm and running away. Kids picking flowers at the edge of the lawn. Kids on a four wheeler driving on the lawn to pick flowers. Kid on a four wheeler driving up next to a parked car in the driveway and looking in the window. And most recently, this thing with the orange safety cone.
Now people on ATV's that think they own everything really piss me off; the ones that behave as if it's their god-given right to trespass, tear stuff up. There must be something to it.
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