Tripwire being set off by shadows? NVR5216-4KS2


Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
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OK, I was excited to hear that the dropped frame issues got fixed in the latest firmware so I immediately went and set up trip wires around the perimeter of my front yard. I am not 100% that I have set everything up properly or even sure I know exactly how these tripwires are supposed to work as there isn't much for specific directions on these units.

My understanding is that anything that crosses the trip wire will trigger, you have the option for a trigger to activate when said person/object walks from point a to b, b to a or both and also can set the min size and max size of said person/object you want to set off the trigger.

I have mine set to "BOTH" thinking if the the tripwire does not catch the person coming in the yard that it will catch them going out. Not sure if that is how "BOTH" works? Because when I look under the smartview tag I have a lot of triggers and nothing but shadows and cars driving by ( outside my trigger zone ).

-Is there another place I should be looking for these triggers or am I correct to be going to the smartview tab to find them?

-Should my triggers be set up different than what I currently have to avoid false triggers?

-Is there a reason the triggers are not showing in my playback bar via the "web service" interface ( just showing solid green line)?

Smartplay.jpg Tripwire.jpg green only.jpg
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Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
With the same NVR I get the events shown in the time line in orange. I wonder if you are maybe just not seeing the orange lines because the record time is so small? Have you tried zooming in on the timeline? Here's an example. I use smartPss mainly and one of my cameras is showing about a dozen orange events from overnight. On the web interface, only 2 of them show up until I zoom the timeline, then they're all there. I'm thinking that smartPss might have code that assures all events are shown at least a pixel wide, and the web interface doesn't. Perhaps increasing the delay value would be a solution.

It looks like you've drawn a box with the tripwire. I've never done that, instead using open-ended lines. On objects outside the tripwire causing a trip, have you looked at the green box that tracks the cars as they go by? Sometimes mine draws a much bigger than necessary box around objects it is tracking. I've got nothing to offer with the shadows. I get shadow trips, too, and don't know how to get around it.


IPCT Contributor
Dec 5, 2016
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I have mine set to "BOTH" thinking if the the tripwire does not catch the person coming in the yard that it will catch them going out.
This doesn't help with the shadow issues, but in general, I found Intrusion better than Tripwire. Intrusion has two options: crosses and appears. I always checked both.

The problem I had with Tripwire was when I had lines drawn along the sides of the image (like you do for your left, right, and bottom lines), often times a person would get across the line before the camera had a chance to identify them as an object. From the camera's point-of-view, that object just "appeared" and didn't actually cross the line, so it doesn't trigger a Tripwire alert then. To your point, if the object crosses the far-side Tripwire line, it should trigger then.

Intrusion worked better for me because it has a provision for when something "appears" in the box.

There's been a few posts about IVS alerts not appearing in the timeline. For some, they just started working at some point down the road. Others required a reboot. On the NVR, in Storage > Schedules (I think it's there), are there hours each day for IVS events to record?
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Getting the hang of it
Jan 5, 2017
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you can also use combinations of trip wire (or multiple trip wires) and then an intrusion box behind the line in places. I find the combination to bemore effective overall. Also agree with aristobrat with trip wires being close to edge of image. They look for image changes. I find they work better if I move them inside my grass as opposed to on an edge between concrete and grass.
To elimanate shadows trips try using smaller trip wires with a scheduled time trigger.
Form 6 AM till 10:30 PM I only have the one trip line on. My cul-d-sac gets a lot of lawn care and car turn arounds during the day, so after 10:30 PM my other trip wires turn on and trigger anyone coming into the area all night.
20170710_134752.jpg 20170710_134752.jpg
The light souce is a 7 watt LED. Mounted about 3 ft below camera and allows me to run full color all night.


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Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
With the same NVR I get the events shown in the time line in orange. I wonder if you are maybe just not seeing the orange lines because the record time is so small? Have you tried zooming in on the timeline? Here's an example. I use smartPss mainly and one of my cameras is showing about a dozen orange events from overnight. On the web interface, only 2 of them show up until I zoom the timeline, then they're all there. I'm thinking that smartPss might have code that assures all events are shown at least a pixel wide, and the web interface doesn't. Perhaps increasing the delay value would be a solution.
I took your suggestion and zoomed all the way in and still no orange shown in the timeline. I also tried extending the delay and there was no change. Not really sure what is going on there.


Intrusion worked better for me because it has a provision for when something "appears" in the box.
I changed to intrusion with crosses and appears both selected and it seems a whole lot better so far.

Also agree with aristobrat with trip wires being close to edge of image.
Yeah, I guess I wasn't fully understanding how the tripwire worked!


I just noticed in the smartview playback it is displaying the same clip multiple times in a row ( 4x I believe ). Any idea what could be causing this? I thought maybe the schedule settings but I cleared and reset them and the problem still persists. In addition to this, the clip stopped while i was still in view of the camera. I made a trip to my mailbox, picked up some sticks and walked around to the back of my house yet the trigger clip stopped after picking up the sticks.

Also, when choosing the min max size it seems it only allows you to do one or the other not both? I am more concerned with min so this isnt really an issue but I wasnt sure if that was a bug or not.

NOTE: all these issues are via web service in IE on windows 10


Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
There's been a few posts about IVS alerts not appearing in the timeline. For some, they just started working at some point down the road. Others required a reboot. On the NVR, in Storage > Schedules (I think it's there), are there hours each day for IVS events to record?
Yes, I went to schedules, selected all ( mon tue wed thurs fri sat sun ). Funny thing is, they are all unchecked when you go back in to the settings. I read somewhere this is typical of the interface though.

Below is the settings I selected and applied.



Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
When you're in the playback tab, select a camera in the pane on the right, then hit file list, do you get any type "I" files?



Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
OK, I got the timeline issue solved. I unchecked and rechecked the IVS and now it is showing orange markers!

It seems like sometimes the web service for the NVR sometimes does not communicate perfectly with the camera. For instance, I could not change the min and max via NVR web service until I went into the camera interface and cleared the box size settings.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
It seems like sometimes the web service for the NVR sometimes does not communicate perfectly with the camera. For instance, I could not change the min and max via NVR web service until I went into the camera interface and cleared the box size settings.
I've learned the same thing and go straight to the cameras for any of their settings. The new firmware is better in that regard, but there are still holes in it.


Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
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I've learned the same thing and go straight to the cameras for any of their settings. The new firmware is better in that regard, but there are still holes in it.
I was hesitant on doing that as I wasn't sure if changing the camera settings directly only related to sd ( flash card) recordings. I now assume this isn't the case though correct?


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
I'm not running any SD cards. Things like exposure settings and bit rates set what the camera sends to the NVR (and I assume also the SD card). Ditto for the IVS settings. I have some cameras where the IVS setup on the nvr works ok, others where it shows the correct IVS settings but won't change them, and some where the IVS setup doesn't work at all. Directly on the cameras they all work ok.


Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
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After playing with the settings yesterday I went from yesterday having 15 pages of smartplay clips to today having none! I'm not sure what happened but the orange indicators for IVS are showing in the playback timeline so why are they not ending up in smartplay?? Any one have any ideas?


Getting the hang of it
Nov 21, 2016
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I too have shadows tripping my lines. Depends on the day and time of day, but sometimes it can be bad. House/car shadow is not the issue, but the tree shadows, if it's windy, are a killer.


Known around here
Nov 1, 2014
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I only use line tripwires and some days I get shadow tripping or cloud that moving fast (reflection off my car windshield) tripping the alarm and at night time any headlight driving by reflecting off of my car body also trips it.

But IVS is way much better than your standard motion detection alarm. At nigh time, I would get maybe 1 or 2 trips from cars headlight if our cars is parked in the driveway that all and daylight about only 3 or 4 trips on a windy days and none on a calm days so it still a major improvement over the plain motion detection which trips just about every bugs that pass over the camera at night no matter what setting I use to eliminate most of the bug trips.


Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
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I'm going to setup rules for intrusion, trip lines and motion detection. enable one, try it for a few days then move on to the next to see what works best. I have not actually tried it but seems as if the motion detection is pretty adjustable I'm surprised no one seems to have any luck with it.