4.6.5 - December 1, 2017


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
4.6.5 - December 1, 2017

  • A new "Save image" button on the PTZ/Presets page will capture an image from the camera to be associated with the preset position. It may be retrieved from the web server with /image/camshortname/preset_x.jpg where x is the preset number. This will be used by updated UI and web access methods.

  • The "GO" button on the PTZ/Presets page will now run the script or call the HTTP page if configured

  • A new option on the group settings page allows you to include clips/alerts from hidden or inactive cameras

  • The clips list is now more accurately filtered to include/exclude clips based on the visibility of cameras in groups and on the main UI.

  • A new option on the Trim/Export window allows you to specify 2-pass encoding for MP4 files for fast-open. This is not supported on all players, so an option was necessary.

  • The options "move to preset" and "move camera groups" on the Trigger tab have been disconnected. It is now possible to move other cameras in the group/s without moving the triggered camera.

  • The MIME content-type for proprietary streaming video requests from the server has been changed from video/mpeg to the more accurate application/octet-stream. This may help in some circumstances where the video streaming is unable to traverse some proxy servers.

  • The Apple Push notification security certificate has been renewed through the end of 2018.

  • A bug was fixed which prevented some MJPG streams from being recorded in Direct to Disc mode.
Before I update, can anyone confirm 4.6.5 working ok for them? No major issues?
and anyone with a gen 7 I7 ? , no issues with CPU/RAM/ Memory leak?

A new option on the group settings page allows you to include clips/alerts from hidden or inactive cameras

It's likely a senior moment but after an hour searching and reading the help files, I can't seem to locate this setting or for that matter, a page called "group settings".

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks :)
It's likely a senior moment but after an hour searching and reading the help files, I can't seem to locate this setting or for that matter, a page called "group settings".

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks :)
Click on the gear icon to the left of the PTZ controls.....
Do you mean the "Options" gear icon at top left of GUI?
I don't see a PTZ control to the right of it, and don't see a "group settings" under any of the tabs under that Gear Icon / options.

If I display the PTZ controls on the bottom of the GUI, then I don't see a "gear icon" there.

Likewise, on the camera settings/ptz page there is no "Gear Icon"

Not meaning to be a pain, but I've been running BI for years, and I'm at a loss as to why I can't see this "group settings" page.
Do you mean the "Options" gear icon at top left of GUI?
I don't see a PTZ control to the right of it, and don't see a "group settings" under any of the tabs under that Gear Icon / options.

If I display the PTZ controls on the bottom of the GUI, then I don't see a "gear icon" there.

Likewise, on the camera settings/ptz page there is no "Gear Icon"

Not meaning to be a pain, but I've been running BI for years, and I'm at a loss as to why I can't see this "group settings" page.
no...right click on a black portion of the screen and select, show ptz controls..it is between the video and the timeline...look to the left of the ptz controls
ptz.jpg ptz_timeline.jpg Thanks Fenderman,
I usually don't usually display the ptz controls or the timeline, so I enabled them. I'm sure your right, but still don't see anything that says group settings...
It's a small screen (tablet) with a 800x600 resolution.
My home and all my buildings are completely off grid and are powered by solar PV and wind, so I have to minimize my constant loads on the system; hence no large monitors.

That seems to be the only "button" I have missing on the GUI....strange.
I installed the full install of 4.6.5 so I'm sure reinstalling the software won't help.

Do you know if there is a registry entry that can hide/show this button?
It's a small screen (tablet) with a 800x600 resolution.
My home and all my buildings are completely off grid and are powered by solar PV and wind, so I have to minimize my constant loads on the system; hence no large monitors.

That seems to be the only "button" I have missing on the GUI....strange.
I installed the full install of 4.6.5 so I'm sure reinstalling the software won't help.

Do you know if there is a registry entry that can hide/show this button?
try playing with other resolutions until it appears...also email support..
Removing the clips list worked!
Thanks Fenderman.

Unfortunately it -seems- that the "include clips/alerts from hidden or inactive cameras" only works for group webcasting....I was really hoping that the new setting would allow alert clips from hidden cloned cameras to show up in the clip pane without un-hiding them :-(
I can confirm no memory leak or CPU issues with 4.6.5 on NUC6i7KYK.

I upgraded to NUC6i7KYK recently and immediately ran into memory leak and high CPU issues. Windows installed graphics driver by default which was obviously broken.

Later I tried latest graphics driver which was no good either. Finally settled on following some people's advice here and it's been stable since then. This forum was a tremendous help in troubleshooting the issues.

Here are the steps that worked for me:

1) Uninstall BI, reboot
2) Install, reboot
3) Install BI 4.6.5, reboot

10 x Hikvision cameras at a total 32 megapixels @ 15 fps. The CPU has been stable at 20% for the pas couple of days.

i7 6770HQ
Windows 10 Pro
'Limit decoding' disabled on all cameras

I followed this guide to disable future graphics driver updates..

How to Prevent Windows from Automatically Updating Specific Drivers
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Before I update, can anyone confirm 4.6.5 working ok for them? No major issues?
I upgraded to 4.6.5, then spent the weekend trying to figure out why my PIR alerts weren't working.
I use Amcrest cameras with the alarm ports on the back, with a PIR plugged into those. The log inside the Amcrest web interface shows the alerts each time motion is detected by the PIR. But BI stopped picking up those triggers.
I hadn't upgraded in a while so I wasn't sure which version I had upgraded from. I tried a few earlier versions of 4.6.x with no joy. When I backed off to " x64" BI went back to triggering on the PIR alerts and all is well.
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I upgraded to 4.6.5, then spent the weekend trying to figure out why my PIR alerts weren't working.
I use Amcrest cameras with the alarm ports on the back, with a PIR plugged into those. The log inside the Amcrest web interface shows the alerts each time motion is detected by the PIR. But BI stopped picking up those triggers.
I hadn't upgraded in a while so I wasn't sure which version I had upgraded from. I tried a few earlier versions of 4.6.x with no joy. When I backed off to " x64" BI went back to triggering on the PIR alerts and all is well.
You should email support
- The options "move to preset" and "move camera groups" on the Trigger tab have been disconnected. It is now possible to move other cameras in the group/s without moving the triggered camera.

That's nice. previously, you had to move THIS cam to a ptz setting in order to optionally/also move a group of other cams to the same preset.

BI support (Ken) assures me he's working on more flexible configurables for 'what to do when triggered', including being able to take different actions based on which ZONE (if any) were involved in the trigger. This means that some future release will support "when cam 1 triggers in Zone A, move cam 2 to preset 3", in order to implement "poor-mans' auto-tracking" without having to clone cams for each zone. yeah!
The problem with memory leak weren't solved with 4.6.5, I just revertd back to
