Dahua NVR virtual host not working to access attached POE cameras


Mar 24, 2020
I'm in the process of configuring my system (that was purchased from Andy) and something changed; I can no longer access my cameras from the camera device list by using the 'e' icon.

My equipment is a DHI-NVR4108-8P-4KS2 and 4 x IPC-HDW4321T-AS-S2.

The 'virtual host' feature is enabled but now when I click on the 'e' is attempts to go directly to 10.1.1.xx where as before it went to 192.168.1.xx:1008x and passed right through to camera login page.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Something's changed. How are you trying to access the NVR/cameras, via your home network LAN ?

Do the cameras on the Registration page show Ports # 1,2,3 etc or do they show port 37777?

Have you tried rebooting the NVR?

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Yes, trying to access via home network wLAN. My NVR does have POE and yes I'm trying to access via the 'e' in this interface.

Mine do show 37777 as the port, not Port1, Port2, etc.

Glad that worked.!

The cameras should show port #1,2,3 etc in the lower pane on a NVR with built in PoE switch. This is how the internal switch finds them. 37777 is used for viewing without a built in switch.

Could have been a brief power outage that confused things when the cameras reconnected? Often I see 37777 port assigned when folks try to manually add cameras to the lower pane. Always best to let the NVR add them automatically. Usually a simple reboot will do it.
Hi, @bigredfish I have the same issue, but when I tried to do a hard reset of NVR, cameras have been added, but not at all. One of them was not added. Why it's happened and how I can fix it?
If its a Dahua camera, it should be "Private" under Manufacturer. same with the one below at .131. Hit the pencil icon (edit) and change it then save and refresh...
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Is the camera shown at top, .135 connected to a PoE port on the back of the NVR?
Have you changed anything on the camera before this?

I woukd unplug it, reboot NVR, plug it back in, and and wait. It should move to the bottom pane by itself if its a Dahau camera and you havent changed any network settings on it.
@bigredfish thank you very much for your reply. I tried to change it to Private, but it doesn't help. Yes, I did some changes in the camera configuration I'll restore it to defaults tomorrow and check again. It's Dahua camera I hope to restore to default will help. I'll reply to you tomorrow after the changes. And thank you again. Capture.JPG
Is setting a camera to factory default in its login gui the same as a hard reset button inside the camera?
I'm having the same issue. I did a factory reset seeing if it was resolve a couple bugs I have been having since FW build July 2019, on my NVR I re-configured everything, but the cameras do not move to the bottom by their selves. When I move them down manually they are all at port 37777 vs Port1,2,3 etc... I have just upgraded to the latest firmware Build Date: 02-08-2021. Model : VR5208-8P-4KS2E . I have removed them after trying the add method, and rebooted, but they never moved to the bottom by their selves. :(
Also all cameras are Dahua.

Is the camera shown at top, .135 connected to a PoE port on the back of the NVR?
Have you changed anything on the camera before this?

I woukd unplug it, reboot NVR, plug it back in, and and wait. It should move to the bottom pane by itself if its a Dahau camera and you havent changed any network settings on it.
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Hmmm how many and what model cameras? Do none of them move ?

Have you hit the refresh button at the bottom of the page?
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I have the following cameras:

(2) IPC-HFW5442E-ZE

Yes I have hit the refresh many times. I waited for an hour. When at the top section before adding, they are also at the port 37777. I think when you first get the cameras they are I think port 80 be default, but since these have been all initialized in the past, I think that changes them to the 37777.

None move down. :(

I also just tried a shutdown, unplugged all the cameras, powered back up. Then plugged in 1 camera. I waited 5min or so, still nothing. Never goes to the bottom. I wonder if a bug in this latest FW? Right now I'm out of ideas of what else to try without having to reset the camera and reinitialize. Which might be the only solution. I did backup all camera configs. But either way that is still a hassle, should not have to do that.

Hmmm how many and what model cameras? Do none of them move ?

Have you hit the refresh button at the bottom of the page?
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Too many actions but not the "good" one :-)

My advice: delete the cams in that camera registration screen (trashcan), then when still connected to the NVR, open up the back of the camera and press (and hold) the reset button for 10-15 seconds. You'll hear the camera reboot but keep the reset button pressed. This will forcibly reset the camera to factory default. Then the NVR should detect this (new) device needs some love and care, and should register it on "PortX" instead on ONVIF/37777 etc.

Good luck!
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I too had a very similar problem.

I tried the above (reboot, deleted camera from list, physical disconnect of first camera) with no change from port 37777 to port 1,2,3 etc.
An un-check and re-check with refresh of the virtual host option ended up getting all but the first camera to change port to 1,2,3 etc. was this because the first camera was still loading up from being physically unplugged - I don’t know.

So then I tried many reboots, unplug’s, factory defaults to the first camera with no luck. Then I recalled another job where a change of password caused grief and changing the physical PoE port resolved it... so I tried a different port, and it worked. It got port 7. I noticed a new IP address too. Moved it back to position 1 and it got the old IP address and back to port 37777. Manually changed the IP to something else and soon after a camera list refresh it went to port 1.

My theory is, sometimes the NVR holds certain details to memory and that it is tied by the camera IP address (maybe MAC address too).
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year is 2025 and resetting all my Dahua ip camera passwords to default with configtool and then factory resetting the dahua nvr running Dahua 4.0 worked. it auto-added them after initialization and in they automatically had port1...port2, etc instead of port 37777