night time blur


Pulling my weight
Sep 9, 2018
Can anyone explain why my night time video's and still pictures are blurry. the settings in the camera are the same in daytime as night time. but the live video seems to be a little bit faster at night is this normal..the cars in the pics are all going at approximately the same speed,
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What cams? Are you forcing colour mode?

The blur is caused by your shutter speed at night being too long which the cam will automatically lengthen due to the low light conditions at night.
cheers. its just a cheap 30 quid no name hicam ptz from ebay. it only as basic settings all the same for day or night i have good led street lights so no need for ir,
As @IAmATeaf explains, with lower light you have to run much faster exposure to freeze motion. That is why the most important thing to many of us is how a camera performs at night with motion. Any cheap camera as you say will generally do fine in the daytime.
Read both of these links and then come back with questions you may have:

You need to set different night time settings than those for daytime, more specifically, the shutter/exposure speed as already mentioned. No slower than 1/125 or 1/100 max.
Read both of these links and then come back with questions you may have:

You need to set different night time settings than those for daytime, more specifically, the shutter/exposure speed as already mentioned. No slower than 1/125 or 1/100 max.
Thanks for this biggen very very informative. as i said it's a very cheap camera with limited settings. i only really use it for seeing who or what is coming through the gate i was just curious as to why the cars are blured at night . tealeaf and bigredfish explained perfectly. i do have another starlight cam that overlooks the road i might tinker with thanks,,
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Anyone coming through the gate at night, will likely be nothing but a blur as well.
never thought of that .although if someone does come in they may stand still to open the gate. i will put it to the test a bit later on,
We’ve always left our outside lights on at about 30% at night with our 5231’s set to forced color. At 30% there is enough light for the cameras. When motion is detected, all outside lights go to 100% and stay there until 5 minutes of no motion.

We‘ve been doing this for so long that some of our neighbors are leaving their outside lights on especially now that we are seeing rising crime levels in our city.